The purpose of this article is to provide a starting point for projects which require strongest encryption on multiple platforms. Sample code is provided here and on GitHub repositories in C++ (Windows and Linux), Java and C#. Recently, a Linux based dynamic library and a test program explaining how to use it is uploaded on GitHub. C++ on Linux x64 means it could be used for NodeJS as well by just creating a wrapper. Similarly, it could be used on Apple machines easily as well.


While working in security, identity management and data protection fields for a while, I found a very few working examples in the public domain on cross platform encryption based on AES 256 GCM algorithm. This is the same algorithm used by Google when you access Gmail, etc.

This article may help you implement very strong cross platform encryption / decryption. The sample code is in C++, C# and Java. However, Java through JNI (Java Native Interface) and C# through COM, can call native C++ code, which in my testing appears to be much faster as compared to pure Java or C# implementations. Still, there are times when one wants to do it without calling a native C++ layer.

For C#, to achieve AES 256 GCM encryption, I used Bouncy Castle cryptographic libraries. The code snippets available with this article work perfectly for encryption and decryption across various platforms. I tested it to be working on Linux (using Mono Framework) and Windows.

For C++ layer, I utilized Crypto++. This library is cross platform compatible (Windows, Linux and others like Solaris etc.). Crypto++ is a robust and very well implemented open source cryptographic library.

This article is not intended for beginners nor is it to teach AES GCM algorithm.

This article sort of provides you a sample code to implement with your own modifications.

C++ is a little complicated. Download Crypto++ source code. Create a console project and add existing Crypto++ project to solution. Then set your console project as startup project and set build dependency order.

Copy paste code from the article and correct header files paths (like pch.h ) You can add source code directories in project properties as well to fix paths. In the same way, you can correct path to Crypto++ compiled library or add it to your project properties.

Another purpose of this article is to combine all three major programming languages sample code at one place. You don't have to search through thousands of individual samples, some of them do not work as intended. The code sample here works without any issue.

Recently, a Linux based dynamic library and a test program explaining how to use it is uploaded on GitHub. C++ on Linux x64 means it could be used for NodeJS as well by just creating a wrapper. Similarly, it could be used on Apple machines easily as well.


Cross Platform AES 256 GCM Encryption and Decryption (C++, C# and Java)

You can also read more about Crypto++ AES GCM implementation or algorithm itself here and here .

Similarly, details about BouncyCastle can be found here .

BouncyCastle .NET used in C# code is here .


  • C# Version
  • C++ Version
  • Java Version
  • Linux Lib Version
  • Windows C++ x64 DLL and Example Test Program
  • Using the Code

    For C#

    Please add reference:

    BouncyCastle.Crypto ( BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll )

    C# Test Console Application

    using System;
    namespace TestAES_GCM_256
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                //Generate and dump KEY so we could use again
                //Generate and dump IV so we could use again
                //using above code these key and iv was generated
                string hexKey = 
                string hexIV = "E1E592E87225847C11D948684F3B070D";
                string plainText = "Test encryption and decryption";
                Console.WriteLine("Plain Text: " + plainText);
                //encrypt - result base64 encoded string
                string encryptedText = AesGcm256.encrypt
                      (plainText, AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexKey), AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexIV));
                Console.WriteLine("Encrypted base64 encoded: " + encryptedText);
                //decrypt - result plain string
                string decryptedText = AesGcm256.decrypt
                      (encryptedText, AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexKey), 
                Console.WriteLine("Decrypted Text: " + decryptedText);
                if (plainText.Equals(decryptedText))
                    Console.WriteLine("Test Passed");
                    Console.WriteLine("Test Failed");
                /* Console Output
                Plain Text: Test encryption and decryption
                Encrypted base64 encoded: 
                Decrypted Text: Test encryption and decryption
                Test Passed
                Press any key to continue . . .

    C# Encryption / Decryption Class

    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
    using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
    namespace TestAES_GCM_256
        public class AesGcm256
            private static readonly SecureRandom Random = new SecureRandom();
            // Pre-configured Encryption Parameters
            public static readonly int NonceBitSize = 128;
            public static readonly int MacBitSize = 128;
            public static readonly int KeyBitSize = 256;
            private AesGcm256() { }
            public static byte[] NewKey()
                var key = new byte[KeyBitSize / 8];
                return key;
            public static byte[] NewIv()
                var iv = new byte[NonceBitSize / 8];
                return iv;
            public static Byte[] HexToByte(string hexStr)
                byte[] bArray = new byte[hexStr.Length / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < (hexStr.Length / 2); i++)
                    byte firstNibble = Byte.Parse(hexStr.Substring((2 * i), 1), 
                          System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); // [x,y)
                    byte secondNibble = Byte.Parse(hexStr.Substring((2 * i) + 1, 1), 
                    int finalByte = (secondNibble) | 
                                    (firstNibble << 4); // bit-operations 
                                                        // only with numbers,
                                                        // not bytes.
                    bArray[i] = (byte)finalByte;
                return bArray;
            public static string toHex(byte[] data)
                string hex = string.Empty;
                foreach (byte c in data)
                    hex += c.ToString("X2");
                return hex;
            public static string toHex(string asciiString)
                string hex = string.Empty;
                foreach (char c in asciiString)
                    int tmp = c;
                    hex += string.Format
                           ("{0:x2}", System.Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.ToString()));
                return hex;
            public static string encrypt(string PlainText, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
                string sR = string.Empty;
                    byte[] plainBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PlainText);
                    GcmBlockCipher cipher = new GcmBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine());
                    AeadParameters parameters = 
                                 new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(key), 128, iv, null);
                    cipher.Init(true, parameters);
                    byte[] encryptedBytes = 
                           new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(plainBytes.Length)];
                    Int32 retLen = cipher.ProcessBytes
                                   (plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length, encryptedBytes, 0);
                    cipher.DoFinal(encryptedBytes, retLen);
                    sR = Convert.ToBase64String
                         (encryptedBytes, Base64FormattingOptions.None);
                catch (Exception ex)
                return sR;
            public static string decrypt(string EncryptedText, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
                string sR = string.Empty;
                    byte[] encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(EncryptedText);
                    GcmBlockCipher cipher = new GcmBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine());
                    AeadParameters parameters = 
                              new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(key), 128, iv, null);
                    //ParametersWithIV parameters = 
                    //new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(key), iv);
                    cipher.Init(false, parameters);
                    byte[] plainBytes = 
                           new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(encryptedBytes.Length)];
                    Int32 retLen = cipher.ProcessBytes
                          (encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length, plainBytes, 0);
                    cipher.DoFinal(plainBytes, retLen);
                    sR = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainBytes).TrimEnd
                catch (Exception ex)
                return sR;

    For Java

    Please add the following JAR to your Java project or class path:


    Java Test Console Application

    public class TestAes256GCM {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                //Generate and dump KEY so we could use again
                //Generate and dump IV so we could use again
                //using above code these key and iv was generated
                String hexKey = 
                String hexIV = "E1E592E87225847C11D948684F3B070D";
                String plainText = "Test encryption and decryption";
                System.out.println("Plain Text: " + plainText);
                //encrypt - result base64 encoded string
                String encryptedText = AesGcm256.encrypt
                  (plainText, AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexKey), AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexIV));
                System.out.println("Encrypted base64 encoded: " + encryptedText);
                //decrypt - result plain string
                String decryptedText = AesGcm256.decrypt
                        (encryptedText, AesGcm256.HexToByte(hexKey), 
                System.out.println("Decrypted Text: " + decryptedText);
                if (plainText.equals(decryptedText))
                    System.out.println("Test Passed");
                    System.out.println("Test Failed");
                /* Console Output
                Plain Text: Test encryption and decryption
                Encrypted base64 encoded: 
                Decrypted Text: Test encryption and decryption
                Test Passed
                Press any key to continue . . .

    Java Encryption / Decryption Class

    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import java.util.Base64;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESFastEngine;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.GCMBlockCipher;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.AEADParameters;
    import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
    public class AesGcm256 {
        private static final SecureRandom SECURE_RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
        // Pre-configured Encryption Parameters
        public static int NonceBitSize = 128;
        public static int MacBitSize = 128;
        public static int KeyBitSize = 256;
        private AesGcm256() {
        public static byte[] NewKey() {
            byte[] key = new byte[KeyBitSize / 8];
            return key;
        public static byte[] NewIv() {
            byte[] iv = new byte[NonceBitSize / 8];
            return iv;
        public static byte[] HexToByte(String hexStr) {
            int len = hexStr.length();
            byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
                data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(hexStr.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
                        + Character.digit(hexStr.charAt(i + 1), 16));
            return data;
        public static String toHex(byte[] data) {
            final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (byte b : data) {
                builder.append(Integer.toString(b, 16));
            return builder.toString();
        public static String encrypt(String PlainText, byte[] key, byte[] iv) {
            String sR = "";
            try {
                byte[] plainBytes = PlainText.getBytes("UTF-8");
                GCMBlockCipher cipher = new GCMBlockCipher(new AESFastEngine());
                AEADParameters parameters = 
                    new AEADParameters(new KeyParameter(key), MacBitSize, iv, null);
                cipher.init(true, parameters);
                byte[] encryptedBytes = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(plainBytes.length)];
                int retLen = cipher.processBytes
                             (plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.length, encryptedBytes, 0);
                cipher.doFinal(encryptedBytes, retLen);
                sR = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encryptedBytes);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | IllegalArgumentException | 
                     IllegalStateException | DataLengthException | 
                     InvalidCipherTextException ex) {
            return sR;
        public static String decrypt(String EncryptedText, byte[] key, byte[] iv) {
            String sR = "";
            try {
                byte[] encryptedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(EncryptedText);
                GCMBlockCipher cipher = new GCMBlockCipher(new AESFastEngine());
                AEADParameters parameters = 
                         new AEADParameters(new KeyParameter(key), MacBitSize, iv, null);
                cipher.init(false, parameters);
                byte[] plainBytes = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(encryptedBytes.length)];
                int retLen = cipher.processBytes
                             (encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.length, plainBytes, 0);
                cipher.doFinal(plainBytes, retLen);
                sR = new String(plainBytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException | 
                             DataLengthException | InvalidCipherTextException ex) {
            return sR;

    For C++ (Windows)

    Please include Crypto++ Project in your test project.

    Correct include and linked library paths:

    C++ Test Console Application

    // TestAES_GCM_256_C.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #pragma once
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #ifndef x64
    #pragma comment(lib, "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/Win32/Output/Debug/cryptlib.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/x64/Output/Debug/cryptlib.lib")
    #ifndef x64
    #pragma comment(lib, "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/Win32/Output/Release/cryptlib.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/x64/Output/Release/cryptlib.lib")
    // Crypto++ Include
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/pch.h"
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/files.h"
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/default.h"
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/base64.h"
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/osrng.h"
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/hex.h"
    using CryptoPP::HexEncoder;
    using CryptoPP::HexDecoder;
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/cryptlib.h"
    using CryptoPP::BufferedTransformation;
    using CryptoPP::AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher;
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/filters.h"
    using CryptoPP::StringSink;
    using CryptoPP::StringSource;
    using CryptoPP::AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter;
    using CryptoPP::AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter;
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/aes.h"
    using CryptoPP::AES;
    #include "./../../../common/Crypto5.6.1/gcm.h"
    using CryptoPP::GCM;
    using CryptoPP::GCM_TablesOption;
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    static inline RandomNumberGenerator& PSRNG(void);
    static inline RandomNumberGenerator& PSRNG(void)
    	static AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
    	return rng;
    bool encrypt_aes256_gcm(const char *aesKey, const char *aesIV, 
                            const char *inPlainText, char **outEncryptedBase64, 
                            int &dataLength);
    bool decrypt_aes256_gcm(const char *aesKey, const char *aesIV, 
                 const char *inBase64Text, char **outDecrypted, int &dataLength);
    void Base64Decode(const std::string &inString, std::string &outString);
    void HexDecode(const std::string &inString, std::string &outString);
    static std::string m_ErrorMessage;
    int main()
    	//using above code these key and iv was generated
    	std::string hexKey = 
    	std::string hexDecodedKey;
    	HexDecode(hexKey, hexDecodedKey);
    	std::string hexIV = "E1E592E87225847C11D948684F3B070D";
    	std::string hexDecodedIv;
    	HexDecode(hexIV, hexDecodedIv);
    	std::string plainText = "Test encryption and decryption";
    	std::string encryptedWithJava = 
    	printf("%s%s\n", "Plain Text: " , plainText.c_str());
    	//encrypt - result base64 encoded string
    	char *outEncryptedText=NULL;
    	int outDataLength=0;
    	bool bR = encrypt_aes256_gcm(hexDecodedKey.c_str(), 
                  hexDecodedIv.c_str(), plainText.c_str(), 
                  &outEncryptedText, outDataLength);
    	printf("%s%s\n", "Encrypted base64 encoded: " , outEncryptedText);
    	//decrypt - result plain string
    	char* outDecryptedText=NULL;
    	int outDecryptedDataLength=0;
    	bR = decrypt_aes256_gcm(hexDecodedKey.c_str(), 
             hexDecodedIv.c_str(), encryptedWithJava.c_str(), 
                                   &outDecryptedText, outDecryptedDataLength);
    	printf("%s%s\n", "Decrypted Text Encrypted by Java: " , outDecryptedText);
    	if (plainText == outDecryptedText)
    		printf("%s\n", "Test Passed");
    		printf("%s\n", "Test Failed");
    	return 0;
    bool encrypt_aes256_gcm(const char *aesKey, const char *aesIV, 
                            const char *inPlainText, 
                            char **outEncryptedBase64, int &dataLength)
    	bool bR = false;
    	//const int TAG_SIZE = 12;
    	std::string outText;
    	std::string outBase64;
    	if (strlen(aesKey)>31 && strlen(aesIV)>15)
    			GCM< AES >::Encryption aesEncryption;
    			aesEncryption.SetKeyWithIV(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(aesKey), 
                 AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(aesIV), AES::BLOCKSIZE);
    			StringSource(inPlainText, true, new AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter
                            (aesEncryption, new StringSink(outText)
    			) // AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter
    			); // StringSource
    			CryptoPP::Base64Encoder *base64Encoder = new CryptoPP::Base64Encoder
                                                         (new StringSink(outBase64), false);
    			base64Encoder->PutMessageEnd(reinterpret_cast<const char="" 
                               unsigned=""> (, outText.length());
    			delete base64Encoder;
    			dataLength = outBase64.length();
    			if (outBase64.length()>0)
    				if (*outEncryptedBase64) free(*outEncryptedBase64);
    				*outEncryptedBase64 = (char*)malloc(dataLength + 1);
    				memset(*outEncryptedBase64, '\0', dataLength + 1);
    				memcpy(*outEncryptedBase64, outBase64.c_str(), dataLength);
    				bR = true;
    				m_ErrorMessage.append("Encryption Failed");
    		catch (CryptoPP::InvalidArgument& e)
    		catch (CryptoPP::Exception& e)
    		m_ErrorMessage.append("AES Key or IV cannot be empty");
    	return bR;
    bool decrypt_aes256_gcm(const char *aesKey, const char *aesIV, 
                            const char *inBase64Text, char **outDecrypted, int &dataLength)
    	bool bR = false;
    	std::string outText;
    	std::string pszDecodedText;
    	Base64Decode(inBase64Text, pszDecodedText);
    	if (strlen(aesKey)>31 && strlen(aesIV)>15)
    			GCM< AES >::Decryption aesDecryption;
    			aesDecryption.SetKeyWithIV(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(aesKey), 
                    reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(aesIV), AES::BLOCKSIZE);
    			AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter df(aesDecryption, new StringSink(outText));
    			StringSource(pszDecodedText, true,
    				new Redirector(df /*, PASS_EVERYTHING */)
    			); // StringSource
    			bR = df.GetLastResult();
    			dataLength = outText.length();
    			if (outText.length()>0)
    				if (*outDecrypted) free(*outDecrypted);
    				*outDecrypted = (char*)malloc(dataLength + 1);
    				memset(*outDecrypted, '\0', dataLength + 1);
    				memcpy(*outDecrypted, outText.c_str(), dataLength);
    				bR = true;
    				m_ErrorMessage.append("Decryption Failed");
    		catch (CryptoPP::HashVerificationFilter::HashVerificationFailed& e)
    		catch (CryptoPP::InvalidArgument& e)
    		catch (CryptoPP::Exception& e)
    		m_ErrorMessage.append("AES Key or IV cannot be empty");
    	return bR;
    void Base64Decode(const std::string &inString, std::string &outString)
    	StringSource(inString, true, new Base64Decoder(new StringSink(outString)));
    void HexDecode(const std::string &inString, std::string &outString)
    	StringSource(inString, true, new HexDecoder(new StringSink(outString)));

    Linux Lib (GNU C++ 14 Standard)

    This repository consists 2 Apache Netbeans projects here. Please clone the repository and open projects in Netbeans IDE. You must have already configured Netbeans IDE to be able to edit C++ projects.

    Build Steps


    To build, please open cryptopp870 folder in terminal and enter make command. It will build libcryptopp.a static library. The library defaults to OS architecture. GcmAes Netbeans project depends on libcryptopp.a and is linked to it.

    Once the library is available, you can build both projects individually from Netbeans IDE. GcmAesTest project has dependency and will be pre-build. Once build, the projects could be debugged as well.

    The test program validates few encryption and decryption tests. One of them is the decryption of text which was encrypted using Java code (links available below).

    It produces the following sample test results:

    Key and IV Test OK
    Test 1 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: 
    Test 1 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption
    Test 1 -> Encryption / Decryption OK
    Plain Text: Test encryption and decryption
    Test 2 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: 
    Test 2 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption
    Test 2 -> Encryption / Decryption OK
    Test 3 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption
    Test 3 -> Java Encrypted / C++ Decryption OK
    Test 4 -> Multi-byte Text: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 4 -> Hex Encoded: 
    Test 4 -> Hex Encoding OK
    Test 5 -> Multi-byte Text: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 5 -> Hex Decoded: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 5 -> Hex Decoding OK
    Test 6 -> Multi-byte Text: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 6 -> Base64 Encoded: 
    Test 6 -> Base64 Encoding OK
    Test 7 -> Multi-byte Text: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 7 -> Base64 Decoded: syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)
    Test 7 -> Base64 Decoding OK

    The test project also demonstrates how to use the with other C++ projects on Linux like systems. Normally, just have to include GcmAes.h in your project and must link your project against Code uses C++ 14 standard.


    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef __CRYPTOGRAPHER_INCLUDE_HEADER__ #define __CRYPTOGRAPHER_INCLUDE_HEADER__ #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <syslog.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> Exported for dynamic loading and calling #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif * Note: * All functions returning buffers like **out<name> * are allocated using new and are null terminated. * Users must clear them using delete *out<name> // ------------------------------ Exports --------------------------- bool _base64Encode(/*[in]*/ const char *inPlainText, /*[out]*/ char **outBase64Encoded, /*[in, out]*/ int &dataLength); bool _base64Decode(/*[in]*/ const char *inBase64Text, /*[out]*/ char **outPlainText, /*[in, out]*/ int &dataLength); bool _hexDecode(/*[in]*/ const char *inHexEncodedText, /*[out]*/ char **outHexDecoded); bool _hexEncode(/*[in]*/ const char *inData, /*[out]*/ char **outHexEncoded); bool _encrypt_GcmAes256(/*[in]*/const char *inHexKey, /*[in]*/const char *inHexIv, /*[in]*/const char *inPlainText, /*[out]*/ char **outEncryptedBase64, /*[in, out]*/int &dataLength); bool _decrypt_GcmAes256(/*[in]*/const char *inHexKey, /*[in]*/const char *inHexIv, /*[in]*/const char *inBase64Text, /*[out]*/ char **outDecrypted, /*[in, out]*/int &dataLength); bool _getNewAESKeyAndIv(/*[out]*/ char **outHexKey, /*[out]*/ char **outHexIv, /*[in, out]*/int &outKeyLength, /*[in, out]*/ int &outIvLength); // ------------------------------ Exports --------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus #endif #endif

    Test Program

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * File: main.cpp * Author: kmushtaq * Created on April 11, 2023, 9:21 AM //Include GcmAES header and link this project against #include "GcmAes.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <regex> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) // lets first generate encryption Key and IV for AES 256 GCM. // Key size is 32 bytes and IV size is 16 bytes // Lib generated Key and IV are hex encoded. // Encryption and decryption function expects hex encoded Key and IV. std::string inHexKey; std::string inHexIV; char* pszKey = nullptr; char* pszIv = nullptr; int keyLen = 0; int ivLen = 0; std::string plainText = "Test encryption and decryption"; bool result = false; /* ----------------------- Key Generation Test ----------------------- */ result = _getNewAESKeyAndIv(&pszKey, &pszIv, keyLen, ivLen); if (result) printf("Key=%s\nLen=%i\n\nIV=%s\nLen=%i\n", pszKey, keyLen, pszIv, ivLen); printf("Key and IV Test OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Key and IV generation failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; /* ----------------------- Key Generation Test ----------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Encryption Decryption Test ----------------------- */ //Save key and IV to call encryption and decryption functions inHexKey = pszKey; inHexIV = pszIv; char* outTestEncrypted = nullptr; int outTestEncryptedLen = 0; //encrypt - result base64 encoded result = _encrypt_GcmAes256(inHexKey.c_str(), inHexIV.c_str(), plainText.c_str(), &outTestEncrypted, outTestEncryptedLen); if (result) printf("Test 1 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: %s\n", outTestEncrypted); printf("%s", "Test 1 -> Encryption failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; char* outTestDecrypted = nullptr; int outTestDecryptedLen = 0; //decrypt - result plain text result = _decrypt_GcmAes256(inHexKey.c_str(), inHexIV.c_str(), outTestEncrypted, &outTestDecrypted, outTestDecryptedLen); if (result && strcmp(plainText.c_str(), outTestDecrypted) == 0) printf("Test 1 -> Decrypted: %s\n", outTestDecrypted); printf("Test 1 -> Encryption / Decryption OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 1 -> Decryption failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; inHexKey.clear(); inHexIV.clear(); //clear buffers if (outTestEncrypted) delete outTestEncrypted; outTestEncrypted = nullptr; if (outTestDecrypted) delete outTestDecrypted; outTestDecrypted = nullptr; //clear buffers allocated by _getNewAESKeyAndIv function if (pszKey) delete pszKey; pszKey = nullptr; if (pszIv) delete pszIv; pszIv = nullptr; /* ------------------ Encryption Decryption Test ----------------------- */ /* ------------------ C++ Encryption and C++ Decryption Test ------------------ */ std::string hexKey = "2192B39425BBD08B6E8E61C5D1F1BC9F428FC569FBC6F78C0BC48FCCDB0F42AE"; std::string hexIV = "E1E592E87225847C11D948684F3B070D"; printf("Plain Text: %s\n", plainText.c_str()); char* outEncrypted = nullptr; int outEncryptedLen = 0; //encrypt - result base64 encoded result = _encrypt_GcmAes256(hexKey.c_str(), hexIV.c_str(), plainText.c_str(), &outEncrypted, outEncryptedLen); if (result) printf("Test 2 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: %s\n", outEncrypted); printf("%s", "Test 2 -> Encryption failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; char* outDecrypted = nullptr; int outDecryptedLen = 0; //decrypt - result plain text result = _decrypt_GcmAes256(hexKey.c_str(), hexIV.c_str(), outEncrypted, &outDecrypted, outDecryptedLen); if (result && strcmp(plainText.c_str(), outDecrypted) == 0) printf("Test 2 -> Decrypted: %s\n", outDecrypted); printf("Test 2 -> Encryption / Decryption OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 2 -> Decryption failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; //clear buffers if (outEncrypted) delete outEncrypted; outEncrypted = nullptr; if (outDecrypted) delete outDecrypted; outDecrypted = nullptr; /* ------------------ C++ Encryption and C++ Decryption Test ------------------ */ /* ------------------ Java based Encryption and C++ Decryption Test ----------- */ //Java Encrypted with same Key and IV as above // A/boAixWJKflKviHp2cfDl6l/xn1qw2MsHcKFkrOfm2XOVmawIFct4fS1w7wKw== std::string javaEncrypted = "A/boAixWJKflKviHp2cfDl6l/xn1qw2MsHcKFkrOfm2XOVmawIFct4fS1w7wKw=="; char* outCDecrypted; int outCDecryptedLen = 0; //decrypt - result plain text result = _decrypt_GcmAes256(hexKey.c_str(), hexIV.c_str(), javaEncrypted.c_str(), &outCDecrypted, outCDecryptedLen); if (result && strcmp(plainText.c_str(), outCDecrypted) == 0) printf("Test 3 -> Decrypted: %s\n", outCDecrypted); printf("Test 3 -> Java Encrypted / C++ Decryption OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 3 -> Java Decryption failed. Please check syslog for errors"); return 1; //clear buffers if (outCDecrypted) delete outCDecrypted; outCDecrypted = nullptr; /* ---------------- Java based Encryption and C++ Decryption Test --------------- */ Result: Key=BF2F0CEC3D78EEB8388D8A78402510B9F3A99F7F69E98C6DB7168D0C57270EF4 Len=64 IV=FE6A26A45DB769F02C55CF12252F8A32 Len=32 Key and IV Test OK Test 1 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: 5NKdId7ZkBMWTtM5OhtPiaq1x0lBhbUSCxpcWK8PjjIGUvVdMdYET0Gw1mwmOw== Test 1 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption Test 1 -> Encryption / Decryption OK Plain Text: Test encryption and decryptionTest 2 -> Encrypted base64 encoded: A/boAixWJKflKviHp2cfDl6l/xn1qw2MsHcKFkrOfm2XOVmawIFct4fS1w7wKw== Test 2 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption Test 2 -> Encryption / Decryption OK Test 3 -> Decrypted: Test encryption and decryption Test 3 -> Java Encrypted / C++ Decryption OK RUN FINISHED; exit value 0; real time: 20ms; user: 0ms; system: 0ms /* ----------------------- Hex Encoding / Decoding Test ----------------------- */ std::string pszPlainText = "syllabic kana – hiragana (平仮名) and katakana (片仮名)"; char* hexEncoded = nullptr; char* hexDecoded = nullptr; result = _hexEncode(pszPlainText.c_str(), &hexEncoded); if(result) printf("Test 4 -> Multi-byte Text: %s\n", pszPlainText.c_str()); printf("Test 4 -> Hex Encoded: %s\n", hexEncoded); printf("Test 4 -> Hex Encoding OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 4 -> Encoding failed."); return 1; result = _hexDecode(hexEncoded, &hexDecoded); if(result && strcmp(pszPlainText.c_str(), hexDecoded) == 0) printf("Test 5 -> Multi-byte Text: %s\n", pszPlainText.c_str()); printf("Test 5 -> Hex Decoded: %s\n", hexDecoded); printf("Test 5 -> Hex Decoding OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 4 -> Decoding failed."); return 1; if(hexEncoded) delete hexEncoded; if(hexDecoded) delete hexDecoded; hexEncoded = nullptr; hexDecoded = nullptr; /* ----------------------- Hex Encoding / Decoding Test ----------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Base64 Encoding / Decoding Test -------------------- */ char* base64Encoded = nullptr; char* base64Decoded = nullptr; int base64Len = pszPlainText.length(); result = _base64Encode(pszPlainText.c_str(), &base64Encoded, base64Len); if(result) printf("Test 6 -> Multi-byte Text: %s\n", pszPlainText.c_str()); printf("Test 6 -> Base64 Encoded: %s\n", base64Encoded); printf("Test 6 -> Base64 Encoding OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 6 -> Encoding failed."); return 1; base64Len = strlen(base64Encoded); result = _base64Decode(base64Encoded, &base64Decoded, base64Len); if(result && strcmp(pszPlainText.c_str(), base64Decoded) == 0) printf("Test 7 -> Multi-byte Text: %s\n", pszPlainText.c_str()); printf("Test 7 -> Base64 Decoded: %s\n", base64Decoded); printf("Test 7 -> Base64 Decoding OK\n\n"); printf("%s", "Test 7 -> Decoding failed."); return 1; if(base64Encoded) delete base64Encoded; if(base64Decoded) delete base64Decoded; base64Encoded = nullptr; base64Decoded = nullptr; /* ----------------------- Base64 Encoding / Decoding Test -------------------- */ hexKey.clear(); hexIV.clear(); pszPlainText.clear(); return 0;

    Windows x64 C++ DLL

    Project covers exactly all the functionality and test and usage cases as Linux lib project above.
    Please visit Windows C++ x64 DLL and Example Test Program at GitHub.


  • 29th October, 2018: First published
  • 12th April, 2023: Linux Lib source published
  • 13th April, 2023: Hex and Base64 encoding and decoding exposed. More test cases added
  • 15th April, 2023: Windows x64 C++ DLL GitHub project link added. It covers exactly Linux lib functionality and test cases
  • It should be ...reinterpret_cast<const byte*>...
    instead of ...reinterpret_cast<const byte="">...
    and ...reinterpret_cast<const char="" unsigned="">...
    also in C# sample, class AesGcm256:
    AesFastEngine() is deprecated and should be replaced by AesEngine()
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Its code project automatically add these characters. Better to get source code from GitHub.
    Kashif Mushtaq
    B. E. Electrical P. E.

    Sign In·View Thread  In your encrypt method you take key and nonce directly as parameters:
    AeadParameters parameters = new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(key), 128, iv, null);
    Doesn't it make the encryption vulnerable, so that the attacker would be able to reverse to the initial key?
    What do you think about adding some derivations for key and nonce before passing them as parameters, e.g. with HDKF?
    Sign In·View Thread  The code is for base line. Please be my guest to make it more robust and post the changes for the community.
    Kashif Mushtaq
    B. E. Electrical P. E.

    Sign In·View Thread  aesDecryption.SetKeyWithIV(reinterpret_cast<const byte = "">(aesKey), AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH, reinterpret_cast<const byte = "">(aesIV), AES::BLOCKSIZE);

    even though cryptlib.h is included.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Sign In·View Thread  Just get the code from GitHub repo and first compile it. Then modify the code for your own requirements. I recently uploaded a new project based on same code and it uses latest Crypto++.
    Kashif Mushtaq
    B. E. Electrical P. E.

    Sign In·View Thread  Hello,
    I'm working with Java Cryptography projects. Looking for the easy ways to secure backend applications in Java. Can I encrypt in Javascript and then decrypt in Elixir using AES 256 with GCM? How to do that?
    I found a reference on Stackexchange - Encryption / Decryption using AES-256 GCM essay agency reports.
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Sorry for the late reply, I was not aware there are any questions.
    Yes, you just need to create a wrapper for NodeJS. I recently updated this article and have a new code repo at GitHub. It contains a source code for a Linux x64 lib. You can use it and call its functions by creating a JS wrapper.
    Its Here:
    GitHub - KashifMushtaq/AesGcm_Linux: This repo contains AES 256 GCM based dynamic lib ( Netbeans ) and a sample test project.[^]
    Kashif Mushtaq
    B. E. Electrical P. E.

    Sign In·View Thread  Web01 2.8:2023-03-27:1