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error:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "info" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying


df.write .format("jdbc")
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://10.0.10.XX:5432/postgres")
.option("dbtable", "nt_order1")
. option ( "stringtype" , "unspecified" *)*
.option("user", "XXXX")
.option("password", "XXXXX").mode(SaveMode.Append)

添加参数:*  .* option ( "stringtype" , "unspecified" *)*

spark 写postgresql:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "info" is of type jsonb but expre error:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "info" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying当写入jsonb类型数据时,报错解决:df.write .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:postg... Caused by: org . postgresql . util . PSQL Exception : ERROR : column "stu_ json " is of type json but expre ssion is of type character varying 建议:You will need to rewrite or cast the expre ssion. 解决方案: 在连接参数中加入:&string type =unsp..
芋道yudao-vue连接 Postgresql :启动报错 org . postgresql . util . PSQL Exception : ERROR : relation “dual“ does not exist
-- users data是 json b的数据,oldusers data 是text INSERT INTO users (data) SELECT data from oldusers; --这样是不行的会报错: ERROR : column "payment_detail" is of type json b but expre ssion is of type text 需要转换:INSERT INTO users (data) SELECT ...
1、 ERROR : column "ext_ json " is of type json b but expre ssion is of type character varying 传递参数修改或增加为:string type =unspecified 2、Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence. 配置环境变量:添加变量名为: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS 变量值为:-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8,配置完后重启Spoon即可。 1)本地Wind
SpringBoot: ERROR : column “***“ is of type numeric but expre ssion is of type character varying
SpringBoot:在 postgresql 数据库提交数据时,出现 ERROR : column "***" is of type numeric but expre ssion is of type character varying.You will need to rewrite or cast the expre ssion.的错误提示。 原因是某个字段在JAVA代码中提交的是字符串类型,但pg数据库里面该字段是int类型,导致要求转换数据类型的异常提示。 在数据库连接配置中加上?str
Mybatis操作PgSQL的 JSON 类型Mybatis在保存 json 类型字段时报错:SQL: UPDATE viewing_angle SET name=?, destination=?, orientation=? WHERE id=? ### Cause: org . postgresql . util . PSQL Exception : ERROR : column "destination" is...
### Cause: org . postgresql . util . PSQL Exception : ERROR : column "take_effect_start_time" is of type date but expre ssion is of type character varying 建议:You will need to rewrite or cast the expre ssion. 位置:193 ; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is org
遇到 org . postgresql . util . PSQL Exception : ERROR : column xxx is of type json 问题 可以再jdbc连接后面增加string type =unspecified来把 JSON 类型当STRING类型存储 jdbc: postgresql ://localhost:5432/dbname?string type =unspecified...
elasticsearch异常报错:{"error":"Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported 20409