from azureml.core.runconfig import RunConfiguration
from azureml.core.conda_dependencies import CondaDependencies
run_config = RunConfiguration()
run_config.environment.python.conda_dependencies = CondaDependencies.create(conda_packages=['tensorflow==1.12.0'])
Numpy failures
import numpy
fails in Windows: Some Windows environments see an error loading numpy with the latest Python version 3.6.8. If you see this issue, try with Python version 3.6.7.
import numpy
fails: Check the TensorFlow version in the automated ml conda environment. Supported versions are < 1.13. Uninstall TensorFlow from the environment if version is >= 1.13.
You can check the version of TensorFlow and uninstall as follows:
Start a command shell, activate conda environment where automated ml packages are installed.
Enter pip freeze
and look for tensorflow
, if found, the version listed should be < 1.13
If the listed version is not a supported version, pip uninstall tensorflow
in the command shell and enter y for confirmation.
Exact error message: jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: It is required that you pass in a value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode()
For SDK versions <= 1.17.0, installation might result in an unsupported version of PyJWT. Check that the PyJWT version in the automated ml conda environment is a supported version. That is PyJWT version < 2.0.0.
You may check the version of PyJWT as follows:
Start a command shell and activate conda environment where automated ML packages are installed.
Enter pip freeze
and look for PyJWT
, if found, the version listed should be < 2.0.0
If the listed version is not a supported version:
Consider upgrading to the latest version of AutoML SDK: pip install -U azureml-sdk[automl]
If that is not viable, uninstall PyJWT from the environment and install the right version as follows:
pip uninstall PyJWT
in the command shell and enter y
for confirmation.
Install using pip install 'PyJWT<2.0.0'
Data access
For automated ML jobs, you need to ensure the file datastore that connects to your AzureFile storage has the appropriate authentication credentials. Otherwise, the following message results. Learn how to update your data access authentication credentials.
Error message:
Could not create a connection to the AzureFileService due to missing credentials. Either an Account Key or SAS token needs to be linked the default workspace blob store.
Data schema
When you try to create a new automated ML experiment via the Edit and submit button in the Azure Machine Learning studio, the data schema for the new experiment must match the schema of the data that was used in the original experiment. Otherwise, an error message similar to the following results. Learn more about how to edit and submit experiments from the studio UI.
Error message non-vision experiments: Schema mismatch error: (an) additional column(s): "Column1: String, Column2: String, Column3: String", (a) missing column(s)
Error message for vision datasets: Schema mismatch error: (an) additional column(s): "dataType: String, dataSubtype: String, dateTime: Date, category: String, subcategory: String, status: String, address: String, latitude: Decimal, longitude: Decimal, source: String, extendedProperties: String", (a) missing column(s): "image_url: Stream, image_details: DataRow, label: List" Vision dataset error(s): Vision dataset should have a target column with name 'label'. Vision dataset should have labelingProjectType tag with value as 'Object Identification (Bounding Box)'.
See How to configure an automated ML experiment with Databricks (Azure Machine Learning SDK v1).
Forecasting R2 score is always zero
This issue arises if the training data provided has time series that contains the same value for the last n_cv_splits
+ forecasting_horizon
data points.
If this pattern is expected in your time series, you can switch your primary metric to normalized root mean squared error.
Failed deployment
For versions <= 1.18.0 of the SDK, the base image created for deployment may fail with the following error: ImportError: cannot import name cached_property from werkzeug
The following steps can work around the issue:
Download the model package
Unzip the package
Deploy using the unzipped assets
Azure Functions application
Automated ML does not currently support Azure Functions applications.
Sample notebook failures
If a sample notebook fails with an error that property, method, or library does not exist:
Ensure that the correct kernel has been selected in the Jupyter Notebook. The kernel is displayed in the top right of the notebook page. The default is azure_automl. The kernel is saved as part of the notebook. If you switch to a new conda environment, you need to select the new kernel in the notebook.
For Azure Notebooks, it should be Python 3.6.
For local conda environments, it should be the conda environment name that you specified in automl_setup.
To ensure the notebook is for the SDK version that you are using,
Check the SDK version by executing azureml.core.VERSION
in a Jupyter Notebook cell.
You can download previous version of the sample notebooks from GitHub with these steps:
Select the Branch
Navigate to the Tags
Select the version
Experiment throttling
If you have over 100 automated ML experiments, this may cause new automated ML experiments to have long run times.
VNet Firewall Setting Download Failure
If you are under virtual networks (VNets), you may run into model download failures when using AutoML NLP. This is because network traffic is blocked from downloading the models and tokenizers from Azure CDN. To unblock this, please allow list the below URLs in the "Application rules" setting of the VNet firewall policy:
Please follow the instructions here to configure the firewall settings.
Instructions for configuring workspace under vnet are available here.
Next steps
Learn more about how to train a regression model with Automated machine learning or how to train using Automated machine learning on a remote resource.
Learn more about how and where to deploy a model.