Before giving my answer, I'll say that I'm not on the Azure Maps team (or Bing Maps) but used to be the lead person for there SDKs years ago. So, my response is not an official answer from the team, but one that has a lot of experience in this area.

I doubt there will be an official React Native SDK created by the Azure Maps team, especially since there isn't a native .NET SDK yet, which would be higher priority for the team and likely the basis for creating a react native SDK. That said, the volume of usage created by past .NET SDKs makes it hard to justify the investment. Generally, Bing Maps/Azure Maps teams have always created SDK's that worked on the core platforms; Web (plain old JavaScript/Typescript), .NET for desktop (Maui for cross platform native), Android and iOS. The team has generally stayed away from creating SDKs for individual frameworks as the cost vs return is way too low given how fast frameworks come and go, and how these represent a smaller subset of the core platforms. In fact, the cost of developing and maintaining SDKs for individual frameworks has often been more than the revenue they generate. As such, open-source solutions that are developed and maintained by the community has often been the path forward for these types of SDKs. The Azure Maps team does participate in many of these open-source projects.

I highly recommend using the MapLibre React Native SDK: The Azure Maps Web SDK wraps the web version of MapLibre to create an API interface that's more streamlined for key scenarios. So the coding would be a bit different, but the underlying capabilities should be nearly identical.