# Calculate container size
# Variables for storage
let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"
location="East US"
# Create a resource group
echo "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location "$location" --tags $tag
# Create storage account
echo "Creating $storage..."
az storage account create --name $storage --resource-group $resourceGroup --location "$location" --sku Standard_LRS
# Create a container
echo "Creating $container on $storage..."
key=$(az storage account keys list --account-name $storage --resource-group $resourceGroup -o json --query [0].value | tr -d '"')
az storage container create --name $container --account-key $key --account-name $storage #--public-access container
# Create sample files to upload as blobs
for i in `seq 1 3`; do
echo $randomIdentifier > container_size_sample_file_$i.txt
# Upload sample files to container
az storage blob upload-batch \
--pattern "container_size_sample_file_*.txt" \
--source . \
--destination $container \
--account-key $key \
--account-name $storage
# Calculate total size of container. Use the --query parameter to display only
# blob contentLength and output it in TSV format so only the values are
# returned. Then pipe the results to the paste and bc utilities to total the
# size of the blobs in the container. The bc utility is not supported in Cloud Shell.
bytes=`az storage blob list \
--container-name $container \
--account-key $key \
--account-name $storage \
--query "[*].[properties.contentLength]" \
--output tsv | paste -s -d+ | bc`
# Display total bytes
echo "Total bytes in container: $bytes"
# Delete the sample files created by this script
rm container_size_sample_file_*.txt
使用 az group delete 命令删除资源组以及与其关联的所有资源 - 除非你持续需要这些资源。 其中一些资源在创建和删除时可能要稍等片刻。