
1 itext7的简介

iText 7是基于iText 5的一款工具. 其中所有主类和接口的完整版本,都更合乎逻辑,尽可能保持与iText 5的兼容, 一个全新的布局模块,它超越了iText 5,优化添加了很多高级布局功能.

itext7中的语法, 其中一些命名等和前端的语法相似. 如其中的div,table等语法糖.

2 itext7的使用

1 添加相关maven坐标

 <!-- itext7 全家桶 -->
    <!--itext7 html转pdf用到的包-->

2 itext7相关语法说明

1 PDF生成案例

public class PdfDemo { 
	// 生产的pdf文件路径
    public static final String DEST = "D:\\demo.pdf";
	// 字体
    public static final String FONT = "ttf/方正小篆体.ttf";
	public Document getDocument(){	
        PdfDocument pdfDocument;
        Document document;
        PdfFont font ;
            pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(DEST));
            // 项目指定字体, 通过类加载项目字体资源
            font = font = PdfFontFactory.createFont(
                PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, false);;
            document = new Document(pdfDocument)
			return document;
        }catch(Exception e){

从案例可以, 生成Document对象的步骤.接下来,一步一步看Document对象创建的过程


* Document is the default root element when creating a self-sufficient PDF. It * mainly operates high-level operations e.g. setting page size and rotation, * adding elements, and writing text at specific coordinates. It has no * knowledge of the actual PDF concepts and syntax. * A {@link Document}'s rendering behavior can be modified by extending * {@link DocumentRenderer} and setting an instance of this newly created with * {@link #setRenderer(com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.DocumentRenderer) }. // Document文档是创建自定义PDF时的默认根元素 // 它主要操作高级操作,例如设置页面大小和旋转,添加元素,并在特定坐标处写入文本 public class Document extends RootElement<Document> { * Creates a document from a {@link PdfDocument}. Initializes the first page * with the {@link PdfDocument}'s current default {@link PageSize}. * @param pdfDoc the in-memory representation of the PDF document // 常用构造方法 使用PdfDocument对象 public Document(PdfDocument pdfDoc) { this(pdfDoc, pdfDoc.getDefaultPageSize()); @Override public Document add(IBlockElement element) { checkClosingStatus(); super.add(element); if (element instanceof ILargeElement) { ((ILargeElement) element).setDocument(this); ((ILargeElement) element).flushContent(); return this; * Sets the font of this Element. * This property overrides the value set by {@link #setFontFamily}. Font is set either via exact {@link PdfFont} * instance or via font-family name that should correspond to the font in {@link FontProvider}, but not both. * @param font a {@link PdfFont font} * @return this Element. // 设置元素的字体 public T setFont(PdfFont font) { setProperty(Property.FONT, font); return (T) (Object) this;


* Main enter point to work with PDF document. // 使用PDF文档的主输入点 public class PdfDocument implements IEventDispatcher, Closeable, Serializable { * Open PDF document in writing mode. * Document has no pages when initialized. * @param writer PDF writer // 以编写模式打开PDF文档 ,文档初始化时没有页面 public PdfDocument(PdfWriter writer) { this(writer, new DocumentProperties());


* Create a PdfWriter writing to the passed filename and with default writer properties. * @param filename filename of the resulting pdf. * @throws FileNotFoundException // 创建一个PdfWriter,将其写入传递的文件名并具有默认的writer属性 public PdfWriter(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { this(filename, new WriterProperties());

2 图片相关语法


// 得到需要插入的图片 常使用两种方式获取: 即 url 和 filename ImageData imageData = ImageDataFactory.create("C:\\Pdf图片.png"); // 得到填充PDF的Image对象, 可以设置图片的各种参数 Image image = new Image(imageData) // 设置宽高扩大缩小 image.scale(1, 1.05f); // 将图像缩放到绝对大小 image.scaleAbsolute(80, 80); // 设置边距 image.setMargins(-50, -60, -60, -60);


* Create an ImageData instance representing the image from the file located at the specified url. * @param url location of the image * @return The created ImageData object. public static ImageData create(URL url) { return create(url, false); * Create an ImageData instance representing the image from the specified file. * @param filename filename of the file containing the image * @param recoverImage whether to recover from a image error (for TIFF-images) * @return The created ImageData object. * @throws MalformedURLException public static ImageData create(String filename, boolean recoverImage) throws MalformedURLException { return create(UrlUtil.toURL(filename), recoverImage); * Create an ImageData instance representing the image from the specified file. * @param filename filename of the file containing the image * @return The created ImageData object. * @throws MalformedURLException public static ImageData create(String filename) throws MalformedURLException { return create(filename, false);


* Creates an {@link Image} from an image resource, read in from a file * with the iText I/O module. * @param img an internal representation of the {@link com.itextpdf.io.image.ImageData image resource} public Image(ImageData img) { this(new PdfImageXObject(checkImageType(img))); setProperty(Property.FLUSH_ON_DRAW, true); * Scale the image to an absolute size. This method will <em>not</em> * preserve the width-height ratio of the image. * @param fitWidth the new absolute width of the image * @param fitHeight the new absolute height of the image * @return this element public Image scaleAbsolute(float fitWidth, float fitHeight) { float horizontalScaling = fitWidth / xObject.getWidth(); float verticalScaling = fitHeight / xObject.getHeight(); return scale(horizontalScaling, verticalScaling); * Sets the margins around the image to a series of new widths. * @param marginTop the new margin top width * @param marginRight the new margin right width * @param marginBottom the new margin bottom width * @param marginLeft the new margin left width * @return this image public Image setMargins(float marginTop, float marginRight, float marginBottom, float marginLeft) { return setMarginTop(marginTop).setMarginRight(marginRight).setMarginBottom(marginBottom).setMarginLeft(marginLeft); * Scale the image relative to its default size. * @param horizontalScaling the horizontal scaling coefficient. default value 1 = 100% * @param verticalScaling the vertical scaling coefficient. default value 1 = 100% * @return this element public Image scale(float horizontalScaling, float verticalScaling) { setProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_SCALING, horizontalScaling); setProperty(Property.VERTICAL_SCALING, verticalScaling); return this;

3 添加空白页



4 Div和Paragraph

// 块状 Div div = new Div(); // 设置宽度 div.setWidth(UnitValue.createPercentValue(100)); // 设置高度 div.setHeight(UnitValue.createPercentValue(100)); // 设置此元素的水平对齐方式 div.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); // 添加段落 Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("PDF内容"); // 设置此元素的水平对齐方式 paragraph.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); // 设置此元素的最宽长度 paragraph.setMaxWidth(UnitValue.createPercentValue(75)); // 设置元素的上边距宽度 paragraph.setMarginTop(180f); // 定义文本元素的所有字符之间的自定义间距 paragraph.setCharacterSpacing(0.4f); // 设置对齐方式 paragraph.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); // 设置段落前留多少空 paragraph.setFirstLineIndent(24); // 表格 Table table = new Table(8); table.addHeaderCell("添加头部单元格"); table.addCell("普通单元格"); // 设置单元格对齐方式 table.addCell(new Cell().setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER)); // 宽度和页面一致 table.useAllAvailableWidth(); // 新起一行 table.startNewRow(); // 添加到文档 document.add(new Div().add(table)); document.add(div); document.add(paragraph);

从Document的add方法可知, 此处添加的IBlockElement对象.


public interface IBlockElement extends IElement {

IBlockElement接口的唯一抽象子类BlockElement 而BlockElement的子类包括:

Cell 单元格元素,常在Table中使用

Div 块状元素, 作为一个整体,如可添加一个Table表格放进去,这个表格就是一个整体,表格数据量很大,涉及到分页,会自动向后下一页分页.

  • ListItem 列表项
  • LineSeparator 行分隔符

    List 列表

    Paragraph 段落,普通的一段文字

    Table 表格

    5 换行/空格/换页

  • 换行使用\n
  • tab效果使用\u00a0符号, 一般连着使用8个.
  • 使用Tab和TabStop类来控制缩进
  •      // 空格
    	 paragraph.add(new Text("\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0第一行缩进"));    
    	 paragraph.add(new Tab());
         paragraph.addTabStops(new TabStop(20, TabAlignment.LEFT));
     	 // 换页
    	 document.add(new AreaBreak(AreaBreakType.NEXT_PAGE));

    6 Html转换为Pdf

                ConverterProperties proper = new ConverterProperties();
                FontSet fontSet = new FontSet();
    			// 加载自定义字体
                fontSet.addFont(PdfDemo.class.getClassLoader().getResource("ttf/SourceHanSansCN-Regular.ttf").getPath(), PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
                FontProvider fontProvider = new FontProvider(fontSet);
                String content = "html内容";
    			// 使用jar包提供的方法转换成IElement对象, 而IElement对象正是所有填充对象的最上层接口, 可以转换为 Div ,Paragraph对象填充到PDF
                List<IElement> elements = HtmlConverter.convertToElements(content, proper);
    			// 定义填充PDF块
                Div div = new Div();
    			// 遍历元素,封装数据
                for (IElement iElement : elements) {
                    if (iElement instanceof Div) {
                        div.add((Div) iElement);
                    } else if (iElement instanceof Paragraph) {
                        div.add((Paragraph) iElement);

    7 关于PDF上签章功能






