cat old.log | grep "setAlpha" | awk -F: '{ print $4}'
这句话的意思就是,awk语句根据前面生成的文本,以‘-F’后面的符号,即‘:’(冒号)为分界点进行分割,然后将分割后的第四个元素打印出来(即‘print $4’),运行结果为:
cat old.log | grep "setAlpha" | awk -F: '{ print $4}' | awk -F, '{ print $1"="$2 }'
cat old.log | grep "setAlpha" | awk -F: '{ print $4}' | awk -F, '{ print $1"="$2 }' | awk -F= '{ print $2 "," $4 }'
cat old.log | grep "setAlpha" | awk -F: '{ print $4}' | awk -F, '{ print $1"="$2 }' | awk -F= '{ print $2 "," $4 }' > new.log
利用shell简本提取txt文件中任意字段前言0. 一个例子1. cat命令2. grep命令3. awk命令4. 看看效果前言对于测试中出现的log,我们经常需要提取其中的关键信息进行分析,之前我通常使用python的工具来处理一些字符串,但是效率不是很高。现在通过shell脚本的方法会极大的增加效率,一句话就可以在任意的txt文本中提取到我们想要的字段,下面我们来看一下这个神奇的工具。0. 一个例子假如我们要从下面这段txt格式的log中提取‘sequence’后面的数字‘6092’以及‘alp
使用grep过滤掉无用信息,执行 udhcpc | grep “DNS”
使用sed抓取第二行,-n ‘2p’代表第二行,-n ‘1,3p’代表第一到三行,以回车换行符区分。执行 udhcpc | grep “DNS” | sed -n ‘2p’
使用awk抓取第四列,$4代表第四列,以空格区分。执行 udhcpc | grep “DNS” | sed -n ‘2p’ | awk ‘{print $4}’
该bash脚本监视给定目录中的更改,然后运行应用程序。 它可以像服务一样运行,其中用户没有启动和停止服务的特权。
Watcher以一秒钟的周期(称为滴答)运行,并且与--dir匹配的所有文件一次一次传递到使用所需--app标志指定的应用程序。 Watcher假定helper应用程序是同步运行的,并且将退后直到它完成了每个文件,然后watcher.sh才检查新文件。 可以通过将辅助程序作为后台进程运行来更改此行为。
监视程序可以在不同的目录和文件类型上运行,但是只有一个监视程序可以监视任何给定目录。 如果另一个进程尝试在同一目录中运行另一个实例,则watcher.sh将显示一条消息,其中包含正在运行的实例的pid,然后退出。
Watcher及其运行的应用程序,分别写入STDOUT和STDERR。 如果在没有附加STDOUT的情况下运行watcher,则事件将记录到watcher
To compile Wayland-EGL in Yocto, you can follow these steps:
1. Add the necessary layers to your Yocto build. This may include the meta-openembedded layer, which contains the recipes for Wayland and other related packages.
2. Configure your build to include the Wayland-EGL packages. You can do this by adding the following lines to your local.conf file:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " wayland-protocols"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " wayland-egl"
This will ensure that the Wayland-Protocols and Wayland-EGL packages are included in your Yocto image.
3. Build your Yocto image. You can do this by running the `bitbake` command with the name of your image, such as:
bitbake core-image-minimal
This will compile the necessary packages and dependencies, and generate a Yocto image that includes Wayland-EGL.
4. Configure your system to use Wayland-EGL as the default display server. You can do this by modifying the `weston.ini` file in your image's root filesystem. Add the following lines to the file:
This will configure the Weston compositor to use EGL as the backend for rendering graphics.
5. Boot your Yocto image and test Wayland-EGL. You can do this by running a Wayland client application, such as `weston-terminal` or `weston-flower`. If everything is configured correctly, you should see the application window rendered using EGL.
These are the basic steps for compiling Wayland-EGL in Yocto. However, the exact steps may vary depending on your specific Yocto setup and hardware platform. It's recommended to consult the Yocto documentation and community resources for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.