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[2015-06-27 12:24:34 - CustomKeyBoard] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2015-06-27 12:24:34 - CustomKeyBoard] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2015-06-27 12:24:34 - CustomKeyBoard] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at '/Users/Development/sdk/platform-tools/adb' and can be executed.


《MAC 配置 Android adb 环境变量》


bogon:~ azz$ adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing…
cannot bind ‘tcp:5037’
ADB server didn’t ACK
* failed to start daemon *

《Android ADB server didn’t ACK * failed to start daemon * 简单有效的解决方案》

1.在终端输入 lsof -i tcp:5037 查看占用5037端口的pid号

运行 Android 程序时,可能会出现 The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.You must res tar t adb and Eclipse... 很多人遇到下面这个问题 * daemon not running. s tar ting it now on port 5037 * ADB server didn 't ACK <br>* failed to s tar t daemon * 好的 通常来讲,打开任务管理器,把 adb 或豌豆荚神马的强制退出,再 adb - server 就OK了。 不过自从换了 mac 之后,就没太遇到过这样的事了,... C:\Users\Administrator> adb devices List of devices attached * daemon not running; s tar ting now at tcp: 5037 adb : CreateFileW 'nul' failed : 系统找不到指定的文件。 * failed to s tar t daemon error: cannot connect to daemon 1 安装Docker 说明:本文仅针对Linux CentOS 7环境下进行讲解, Mac 本请在官方下载Docker.dmg安装(留意: Mac book 没有yum、systemctl、service等Linux系统的命令,建议下载dmg桌面 Docker使用、配置方便。当然也可以brew install mac adb 重启出现问题,* daemon not running. s tar ting it now on port 5037 * ADB server didn 't ACK * failed to s tar t daemon * ADB server didn ’t ACK 问题解决方法 在手机通过 adb 命令连接电脑,使用命令 adb root && adb remount或者 adb shell时,提示 * daemon not running. s tar ting it now on port 5037 * ADB server didn 't ACK * failed to s tar t daemon * error: cannot connect to daemon 执行命令: adb no daemon server Close the Eclipse if running Go to the Android SDK tools directoryin Command Prompt type adb kill- server then type adb s tar t- server No error message is thrown while s tar ting ADB server , then adb iss tar ted successfully. Now yo 是用 adb 命令时,经常出现 ADB server didn 't ACK 这种错误,主要原因是 adb 端口号被占用,可以通过以下方法找到是什么应用占用了端口号 1、当通过CMD启动 adb 服务。这个时候会提示启动失败“ ADB server didn 't ACK ”。服务启动失败的原因有很多,一般是端口绑定失败。 2、在cmd中输入 adb no daemon server 查看端口绑定信息,一般会报ca 今天遇到了 ADB server didn 't ACK 问题,以前没注意,可能是昨天晚上没有关掉电脑(电脑也得休息)。 Eclipse Android Windows  之前运行eclipse执行 android 应用都没问题,今天突然出问题了,控制台报错: The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. 相信很多安卓开发的工程师都遇到过这个问题,网上的解决方法有很多,端口被占用这个原因估计是大部分出现这种情况的原因,我没有试过别的方法,只是将占用端口的进程杀死然后重启 adb 和eclipse,下面是具体的操作步骤: 第一步:先尝试一下进入DDMS的Device中重置 adb ,或许能一步到位,直接解决了这个问题,Eclipse很好找到DDMS,在此就不再赘述,如果是 Android Studio,DDM... 今天中午打开Eclipse运行程序,出现The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured。于是度娘了一下,发现好多人都遇到过。无非就是 adb 被占用启动不了或者就是更新ADT(更新后也不行)。 于是我就按着网上的方法挨个尝试、也重新安装配置了eclipse,但是每个方法都试过了问题还是没解决。搞了一下午才发现问题竟然是。。。