Copy the latest revision of all files from the depot to the client workspace, as mapped through the client view.

If the file is already open in the client workspace, or if the latest revision of the file exists in the client workspace, it is not copied.

Copy all the files under the //depot/proj1 directory from the depot to the client workspace, as mapped through the client view.

Don't copy the latest revision; use the revision of the file in the depot after changelist 21 was submitted.

If labelname is a label created with p4 label , and populated with p4 labelsync , bring the workspace into sync with the files and revision levels specified in labelname .

Files listed in labelname , but not in the workspace view, are not copied into the workspace.

Files not listed in labelname are deleted from the workspace. (That is, @ labelname is assumed to apply to all revisions up to, and including, the revisions specified in labelname . This includes the nonexistent revision of the unlisted files.)

Bring the workspace into sync with a label as with p4 sync @labelname, but preserve unlabeled files in the workspace.

(The revision range @ labelname ,@ labelname applies only to the revisions specified in the label name itself, and excludes the nonexistent revision of the unlisted files.)

Sync a filename containing a Perforce wildcard by using the ASCII expression of the character's hexadecimal value. In this case, the file in the client workspace is status@june1st.txt.

For details, see Limitations on characters in filenames and entities .