#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){
Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p; if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
}class perspective_transformer {private:
Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show; vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed;
Mat M; Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public:
perspective_transformer(); void estimate_perspective(); void show_diff();
im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp");
im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");
Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im)
{ Point2f p(-1, -1);
setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p); while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1)
imshow(window_name, im);
} return p;
}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective()
namedWindow("Original", 1);
namedWindow("Transformed", 1);
imshow("Original", im);
imshow("Transformed", im_transformed); cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl;
im_show = im.clone();
im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone();
Point2f p;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
{ cout << "POINT " << i << endl; cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl;
p = get_click("Original", im_show); cout << p << endl;
circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
imshow("Original", im_show); cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl;
p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show); cout << p << endl;
circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show);
} //Estimate perspective transform
M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2); cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl; // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform
warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size());
namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1);
imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed);
imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);
}void perspective_transformer::show_diff()
imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);
}int main(){
perspective_transformer a;
a.estimate_perspective(); cout << "Press 'd' to show difference, 'q' to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'd') {
a.show_diff(); cout << "Press 'q' to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'q') return 0;
} else
return 0;#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv;void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void* _p){
Point2f* p = (Point2f *)_p; if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
}class perspective_transformer {private:
Mat im, im_transformed, im_perspective_transformed, im_show, im_transformed_show; vector<Point2f> points, points_transformed;
Mat M; Point2f get_click(string, Mat);public:
perspective_transformer(); void estimate_perspective(); void show_diff();
im = imread("./DataFiles/image.bmp");
im_transformed = imread("./DataFiles/transformed.bmp");
Point2f perspective_transformer::get_click(string window_name, Mat im)
{ Point2f p(-1, -1);
setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse, (void *)&p); while (p.x == -1 && p.y == -1)
imshow(window_name, im);
} return p;
}void perspective_transformer::estimate_perspective()
namedWindow("Original", 1);
namedWindow("Transformed", 1);
imshow("Original", im);
imshow("Transformed", im_transformed); cout << "To estimate the Perspective transform between the original and transformed images you will have to click on 8 matching pairs of points" << endl;
im_show = im.clone();
im_transformed_show = im_transformed.clone();
Point2f p;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
{ cout << "POINT " << i << endl; cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the ORIGINAL image" << endl;
p = get_click("Original", im_show); cout << p << endl;
circle(im_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
imshow("Original", im_show); cout << "Click on a distinguished point in the TRANSFORMED image" << endl;
p = get_click("Transformed", im_transformed_show); cout << p << endl;
circle(im_transformed_show, p, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
imshow("Transformed", im_transformed_show);
} //Estimate perspective transform
M = findHomography(points, points_transformed, CV_RANSAC, 2); cout << "Estimated Perspective transform = " << M << endl; // Apply estimated perspecive trasnform
warpPerspective(im, im_perspective_transformed, M, im.size());
namedWindow("Estimated Perspective transform", 1);
imshow("Estimated Perspective transform", im_perspective_transformed);
imwrite("./DataFiles/im_perspective_transformed.bmp", im_perspective_transformed);
}void perspective_transformer::show_diff()
imshow("Difference", im_transformed - im_perspective_transformed);
}int main(){
perspective_transformer a;
a.estimate_perspective(); cout << "Press 'd' to show difference, 'q' to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'd') {
a.show_diff(); cout << "Press 'q' to end" << endl; if (char(waitKey(-1)) == 'q') return 0;
} else
return 0;