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1 年前 · 来自专栏 做题随笔/算法题解





  • 暴力地从 1 枚举到 \sqrt n ,只要能够整除当前的数,即可将其添加为因子
  • Pollard-Rho 大质因数分解,一般可以结合 Miller-Rabin 素数判定,一般适用于 n\le 2^{64} 的情况。由于其实现上差异较大,不同的做法在时间上差距极大。
  • Pollard-Rho + euler_sieve + quadratic_sieve 多个数论模板缝合的大质因数分解,一般适用于 n\le 2^{128} 的情况,具体实现可以参照 Tangjz大佬的示例代码 ,一般也可以跑出相当快的速度。

以上可能你没听说过最后一个,或者没听说过后面两个,或者这几个都没听说过,不过都无所谓了,反正这几个都不过是小case罢了,大家直接打开链接去看代码就完事了,本文不负责讲解。(其实最后这个最强力的做法, 我也看不懂,也不想讲 ,主要是不想让前菜占太多的版面hhh)

SPOJ 大质因数分解系列题目


顾名思义,这三道评测题目全部都是单纯的质因数分解,每一组数据的输出为 "底数(必须是一个质数质数)^幂数" 的组合形式,按照底数从小到大的顺序输出。最后用一行0作为结尾。具体如下:




317^1 9817^1
17^2 89^1 509^1
2^18 3^8 5^4 7^2 11^1 13^1 17^1 19^1
328439^1 234884407^1


  • FACT0的范围:数据组数为 10 ,每组数据的范围为 n\le10^{15} ,需要用 long long 数据类型表示,时间上限为 1138\text{ms}
  • FACT1的范围:数据组数为 10 ,每组数据的范围为 n\le 10^{20} ,需要用 __int128 数据类型表示,时间上限为 3065\text{ms}
  • FACT2的范围: 数据组数为 10 ,每组数据的范围为 n\le 10^{29} ,需要用 __int128 数据类型表示,时间上限为 2014\text{ms}


在github上寻找题目的题解时,颗粒无收,就在即将扫兴而归时,直接搜索质因数分解的相关项目,结果找到了一个大佬用 python 2.7 标准完成的快速质因数分解项目。

抱着试试看的态度,我将所有的子模块整合在同一个文件中,并将其修改为 python 3.9 标准,在进行测试后,跑出了以下的效果:


可以看到,当输入的大数规模在 [10^{30},10^{40}] 左右时,或者数较为庞大但是其质因数组成较为简单的时候,可以在非常短的时间内运行出结果。但是稍微复杂一点,就不行了,比如说我最后一组是连续复制了25次的114514,数据量级接近 10^{150} ,我从AC上述3题,写了本文的部分内容,出去跑步5km,洗澡完毕,总共约70分钟的时间,这个程序依旧没有跑完。可见要想将其用在解决RSA加密算法问题还遥遥无期。


笔者将自己的 python 3.9 代码与另一个大佬的 C++ 程序进行对比,发现其在性能上有着本质性的差别。

在最极端的情况下,当一个量级为 10^{30} 的质数,等于两个不相等的量级在 10^{15} 上下的质数相乘时,本代码需要跑约 300\text{ms} ,而上述进行对比的 C++ 代码则需要跑约 1000\text{ms} 左右。

上面的时间数据指的是在单组数据下的运行时间。当然,对比代码的码量较小,也不是专门攻克和优化该问题的项目型代码,所以运行起来空间消耗也非常大。拿来说语言之间的优势和劣势显然是不公平的(听说还有大小为20KB的C++代码,跑SPOJ的数据范围只需要 60\text{ms} ,这个版本我就找不到了,其他我见到的C++代码,时间都在 1\text{s} 以上)。但是笔者之前在写牛顿迭代法求高精度整数开根的问题时,采用了码量较大,优化相当优秀,单组高精度除法快于python的C++模板时,在时间上却远慢于python,这说明C++在手写高精度上下的功夫远没有python内部实现来的快,使得运算量较大时,python有机会弥补在评测机运行时与生俱来的时间劣势。所以如果日后要攻克该问题时,应该也都是通过python这些内部实现了高精度整数的语言来进行实验。

那么话不多说,直接上代码了。该代码长度大约在30KB左右,总长度为993行,相当硬核。每个函数拆开看我大概能看懂是二分查找、不同规模的欧拉筛和区间筛、 Pollard-Rho 函数本体。但是和在一块看我就看不懂了,实在是过于复杂...

该代码所采用的标准为 Python 3.9 ,在本地运行时请务必注意使用对应的标准。另外本代码的输入输出是完全对标上述SPOJ的3道题的。


# coding=utf-8
import math
import random
import fractions
import sys
import time
from decimal import Decimal
# coding=utf-8
# Prime sieve constants
ERAT_THRESHOLD = 35 * 10 ** 5
UPPER_SEG_SIZE = 2097152
# Pollard rho constants
# Pollard (p-1) constants
MAX_B1_PM1 = 10 ** 8
MAX_B2_PM1 = 10 ** 10
MAX_D_PM1 = 500
# ECM constants
MAX_RND_ECM = 2 ** 63
MAX_B1_ECM = 43 * 10 ** 7
MAX_B2_ECM = 2 * 10 ** 10
# General factorization constants
# Names of factoring routines for displaying purposes
NAME_RHO = "Pollard Rho"
NAME_PM1 = "Pollard p-1"
MR_THRESHOLD = 10 ** 36
def binary_search(x, arr, include_equal=False):
    if x > arr[-1]:
        return len(arr)
    elif x < arr[0]:
        return 0
    l, r = 0, len(arr) - 1
    while l <= r:
        m = (l + r) >> 1
        if arr[m] == x:
            return m + 1 if not include_equal else m
        elif arr[m] < x:
            l = m + 1
            r = m - 1
    return l
def gcd(a, b):
    return int(math.gcd(a, b))
def xgcd(a, b):
    r, s = 0, 1
    while b != 0:
        c, d = divmod(a, b)
        r, s = s, r - c * s
        a, b = b, d
    return r
def is_prime_bf(n):
    if n < 2: return False
    if n == 2 or n == 3: return True
    if not n & 1: return False
    if not n % 3: return False
    if n < 9: return True
    sqrt_n = int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1
    for i in range(5, sqrt_n, 6):
        if not n % i or not n % (i + 2): return False
    return True
def is_prime_fast(n, use_probabilistic=False, tolerance=30):
    firstPrime = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
                  53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
    # Determine bases for deterministic Miller-Rabin test
    if n >= MR_THRESHOLD:
        logn = math.log(n)
        if not use_probabilistic:
            w = range(2, 2 * int(logn * math.log(logn) / math.log(2)))
            w = range(tolerance)
    elif n >= 1543267864443420616877677640751301:
        w = firstPrime[:20]
    elif n >= 564132928021909221014087501701:
        w = firstPrime[:18]
    elif n >= 59276361075595573263446330101:
        w = firstPrime[:16]
    elif n >= 6003094289670105800312596501:
        w = firstPrime[:15]
    elif n >= 3317044064679887385961981:
        w = firstPrime[:14]
    elif n >= 318665857834031151167461:
        w = firstPrime[:13]
    elif n >= 3825123056546413051:
        w = firstPrime[:12]
    # [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
    elif n >= 341550071728321:
        w = firstPrime[:9]
    # [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]
    elif n >= 3474749660383:
        w = firstPrime[:7]
    elif n >= 2152302898747:
        w = firstPrime[:6]
    # [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
    elif n >= 4759123141:
        w = firstPrime[:5]
    # [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
    elif n >= 9006403:
        w = [2, 7, 61]
    elif n >= 489997:
        # Some Fermat stuff
        if not (not (n & 1) or not (n % 3) or not (n % 5) or not (n % 7) or not (n % 11) or not (n % 13) or not (
                n % 17) or not (n % 19) or not (n % 23) or not (n % 29) or not (n % 31) or not (n % 37) or not (
                n % 41) or not (n % 43) or not (n % 47) or not (n % 53) or not (n % 59) or not (n % 61) or not (
                n % 67) or not (n % 71) or not (n % 73) or not (n % 79) or not (
                n % 83)) and n % 89 and n % 97 and n % 101:
            hn, nm1 = n >> 1, n - 1
            p = pow(2, hn, n)
            if p == 1 or p == nm1:
                p = pow(3, hn, n)
                if p == 1 or p == nm1:
                    p = pow(5, hn, n)
                    return p == 1 or p == nm1
        return False
    elif n >= 42799:
        return n & 1 and n % 3 and n % 5 and n % 7 and n % 11 and n % 13 and n % 17 \
               and n % 19 and n % 23 and n % 29 and n % 31 and n % 37 and n % 41 and n % 43 \
               and pow(2, n - 1, n) == 1 and pow(5, n - 1, n) == 1
    elif n >= 841:
        return not (((((not (n & 1) or not (n % 3) or not (n % 5) or not (n % 7) or not (n % 11) or not (
                n % 13) or not (
                n % 17)) or not (n % 19)) or not (n % 23) or not (n % 29) or not (n % 31) or not (n % 37) or not (
                n % 41) or not (n % 43) or not (
                n % 47)) or not (n % 53) or not (n % 59) or not (n % 61) or not (n % 67) or not (n % 71) or not (
                n % 73) or not (n % 79)) or not (n % 83) or not (n % 89) or not (n % 97) or not (n % 101) or not (
                n % 103) or not (pow(2, n - 1, n) == 1))
    elif n >= 25:
        return not (not (n & 1) or not (n % 3) or not (n % 5) or not (n % 7) or not (
                n % 11)) and n % 13 and n % 17 and n % 19 and n % 23
    elif n >= 4:
        return n & 1 and n % 3
        return n > 1
    if not (
            n & 1 and n % 3 and n % 5 and n % 7 and n % 11 and n % 13 and n % 17 and n % 19 and n % 23 and n % 29 and n % 31 and n % 37 and n % 41 and n % 43 and n % 47 and n % 53 and n % 59 and n % 61 and n % 67 and n % 71 and n % 73 and n % 79 and n % 83 and n % 89): return False
    # Miller-Rabin
    s = 0
    d = n - 1
    while not d & 1:
        d >>= 1
        s += 1
    for k in w:
        # Pick a random witness if probabilistic
        if use_probabilistic:
            p = random.randint(2, n - 2)
            p = k
        x = pow(p, d, n)
        if x == 1: continue
        for _ in range(s):
            if x + 1 == n: break
            x = x * x % n
            return False
    return True
def is_prime(n, use_probabilistic=False, tolerance=30):
        return is_prime_bf(n)
        if use_probabilistic:
            return is_prime_fast(n, use_probabilistic, tolerance)
            if n < MR_THRESHOLD:
                return is_prime_fast(n)
                return is_prime_fast(n, True, 40)
# Sieve bits
segs = [[] for _ in range(60)]
# Primes under 60
under60 = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59]
# delta's in the solutions to the congruences in algorithms 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
# in the paper
dAll = [1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 53, 59]
# All (d, f, g) where 4f^2 + g^2 = d (mod 60), d � 60, f � 15, g � 30
DFG1 = [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 11], [1, 0, 19],
        [1, 0, 29], [1, 2, 15], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 25], [1, 5, 9],
        [1, 5, 21], [1, 7, 15], [1, 8, 15], [1, 10, 9],
        [1, 10, 21], [1, 12, 5], [1, 12, 25], [1, 13, 15],
        [13, 1, 3], [13, 1, 27], [13, 4, 3], [13, 4, 27],
        [13, 6, 7], [13, 6, 13], [13, 6, 17], [13, 6, 23],
        [13, 9, 7], [13, 9, 13], [13, 9, 17], [13, 9, 23],
        [13, 11, 3], [13, 11, 27], [13, 14, 3], [13, 14, 27],
        [17, 2, 1], [17, 2, 11], [17, 2, 19], [17, 2, 29],
        [17, 7, 1], [17, 7, 11], [17, 7, 19], [17, 7, 29],
        [17, 8, 1], [17, 8, 11], [17, 8, 19], [17, 8, 29],
        [17, 13, 1], [17, 13, 11], [17, 13, 19], [17, 13, 29],
        [29, 1, 5], [29, 1, 25], [29, 4, 5], [29, 4, 25],
        [29, 5, 7], [29, 5, 13], [29, 5, 17], [29, 5, 23],
        [29, 10, 7], [29, 10, 13], [29, 10, 17], [29, 10, 23],
        [29, 11, 5], [29, 11, 25], [29, 14, 5], [29, 14, 25],
        [37, 2, 9], [37, 2, 21], [37, 3, 1], [37, 3, 11],
        [37, 3, 19], [37, 3, 29], [37, 7, 9], [37, 7, 21],
        [37, 8, 9], [37, 8, 21], [37, 12, 1], [37, 12, 11],
        [37, 12, 19], [37, 12, 29], [37, 13, 9], [37, 13, 21],
        [41, 2, 5], [41, 2, 25], [41, 5, 1], [41, 5, 11],
        [41, 5, 19], [41, 5, 29], [41, 7, 5], [41, 7, 25],
        [41, 8, 5], [41, 8, 25], [41, 10, 1], [41, 10, 11],
        [41, 10, 19], [41, 10, 29], [41, 13, 5], [41, 13, 25],
        [49, 0, 7], [49, 0, 13], [49, 0, 17], [49, 0, 23],
        [49, 1, 15], [49, 4, 15], [49, 5, 3], [49, 5, 27],
        [49, 6, 5], [49, 6, 25], [49, 9, 5], [49, 9, 25],
        [49, 10, 3], [49, 10, 27], [49, 11, 15], [49, 14, 15],
        [53, 1, 7], [53, 1, 13], [53, 1, 17], [53, 1, 23],
        [53, 4, 7], [53, 4, 13], [53, 4, 17], [53, 4, 23],
        [53, 11, 7], [53, 11, 13], [53, 11, 17], [53, 11, 23],
        [53, 14, 7], [53, 14, 13], [53, 14, 17], [53, 14, 23]]
# All (d, f, g) where 3f^2 + g^2 = d (mod 60), d � 60, f � 10, g � 30
DFG2 = [[7, 1, 2], [7, 1, 8], [7, 1, 22],
        [7, 1, 28], [7, 3, 10], [7, 3, 20], [7, 7, 10],
        [7, 7, 20], [7, 9, 2], [7, 9, 8], [7, 9, 22], [7, 9, 28],
        [19, 1, 4], [19, 1, 14], [19, 1, 16], [19, 1, 26],
        [19, 5, 2], [19, 5, 8], [19, 5, 22], [19, 5, 28],
        [19, 9, 4], [19, 9, 14], [19, 9, 16], [19, 9, 26],
        [31, 3, 2], [31, 3, 8], [31, 3, 22], [31, 3, 28],
        [31, 5, 4], [31, 5, 14], [31, 5, 16], [31, 5, 26],
        [31, 7, 2], [31, 7, 8], [31, 7, 22], [31, 7, 28],
        [43, 1, 10], [43, 1, 20], [43, 3, 4], [43, 3, 14],
        [43, 3, 16], [43, 3, 26], [43, 7, 4], [43, 7, 14],
        [43, 7, 16], [43, 7, 26], [43, 9, 10], [43, 9, 20]]
# All (d, f, g) where 3f^2 - g^2 = d (mod 60), d < 60, f � 10, g � 30
DFG3 = [[11, 0, 7], [11, 0, 13], [11, 0, 17],
        [11, 0, 23], [11, 2, 1], [11, 2, 11], [11, 2, 19],
        [11, 2, 29], [11, 3, 4], [11, 3, 14], [11, 3, 16],
        [11, 3, 26], [11, 5, 2], [11, 5, 8], [11, 5, 22],
        [11, 5, 28], [11, 7, 4], [11, 7, 14], [11, 7, 16],
        [11, 7, 26], [11, 8, 1], [11, 8, 11], [11, 8, 19],
        [11, 8, 29], [23, 1, 10], [23, 1, 20], [23, 2, 7],
        [23, 2, 13], [23, 2, 17], [23, 2, 23], [23, 3, 2],
        [23, 3, 8], [23, 3, 22], [23, 3, 28], [23, 4, 5],
        [23, 4, 25], [23, 6, 5], [23, 6, 25], [23, 7, 2],
        [23, 7, 8], [23, 7, 22], [23, 7, 28], [23, 8, 7],
        [23, 8, 13], [23, 8, 17], [23, 8, 23], [23, 9, 10],
        [23, 9, 20], [47, 1, 4], [47, 1, 14], [47, 1, 16],
        [47, 1, 26], [47, 2, 5], [47, 2, 25], [47, 3, 10],
        [47, 3, 20], [47, 4, 1], [47, 4, 11], [47, 4, 19],
        [47, 4, 29], [47, 6, 1], [47, 6, 11], [47, 6, 19],
        [47, 6, 29], [47, 7, 10], [47, 7, 20], [47, 8, 5],
        [47, 8, 25], [47, 9, 4], [47, 9, 14], [47, 9, 16],
        [47, 9, 26], [59, 0, 1], [59, 0, 11], [59, 0, 19],
        [59, 0, 29], [59, 1, 2], [59, 1, 8], [59, 1, 22],
        [59, 1, 28], [59, 4, 7], [59, 4, 13], [59, 4, 17],
        [59, 4, 23], [59, 5, 4], [59, 5, 14], [59, 5, 16],
        [59, 5, 26], [59, 6, 7], [59, 6, 13], [59, 6, 17],
        [59, 6, 23], [59, 9, 2], [59, 9, 8], [59, 9, 22],
        [59, 9, 28]]
def small_sieve(n):
    correction = (n % 6 > 1)
    n = {0: n, 1: n - 1, 2: n + 4, 3: n + 3, 4: n + 2, 5: n + 1}[n % 6]
    sieve = [True] * (n // 3)
    sieve[0] = False
    limit = (int(math.sqrt(n)) // 3) + 1
    # Use a wheel (mod 6)
    for i in range(limit):
        if sieve[i]:
            k = 3 * i + 1 | 1
            sieve[((k * k) // 3):: (k << 1)] = \
                [False] * ((n // 6 - (k * k) // 6 - 1) // k + 1)
            sieve[(k * k + (k << 2) -
                   (k << 1) * (i & 1)) // 3:: (k << 1)] = \
                [False] * ((n // 6 - (k * k + (k << 2) -
                                      2 * k * (i & 1)) // 6 - 1) // k + 1)
    return [2, 3] + [3 * i + 1 | 1 for i in range(1, n // 3 - correction) if sieve[i]]
def enum1(d, f, g, L, B, segs):
    x, y0, temp = f, g, L + B
    k0 = (4 * f * f + g * g - d) // 60
    while k0 < temp:
        k0 += x + x + 15
        x += 15
    while True:
        x -= 15
        k0 -= x + x + 15
        if x <= 0:
        while k0 < L:
            k0 += y0 + 15
            y0 += 30
        k, y = k0, y0
        while k < temp:
            segs[d][(k - L) >> 5] ^= 1 << ((k - L) & 31)
            k += y + 15
            y += 30
def enum2(d, f, g, L, B, segs):
    x, y0, temp = f, g, L + B
    k0 = (3 * f * f + g * g - d) // 60
    while k0 < temp:
        k0 += x + 5
        x += 10
    while True:
        x -= 10
        k0 -= x + 5
        if x <= 0:
        while k0 < L:
            k0 += y0 + 15
            y0 += 30
        k, y = k0, y0
        while k < temp:
            segs[d][(k - L) >> 5] ^= 1 << ((k - L) & 31)
            k += y + 15
            y += 30
def enum3(d, f, g, L, B, segs):
    x, y0, temp = f, g, L + B
    k0 = (3 * f * f - g * g - d) // 60
    while True:
        while k0 >= temp:
            if x <= y0:
            k0 -= y0 + 15
            y0 += 30
        k, y = k0, y0
        while k >= L and y < x:
            segs[d][(k - L) >> 5] ^= 1 << ((k - L) & 31)
            k -= y + 15
            y += 30
        k0 += x + 5
        x += 10
def sieve_of_atkin(n):
    sqrt_n, u, r = int(math.sqrt(n)), n + 32, 17
    B, lu = 60 * sqrt_n, math.log(u)
    primes = small_sieve(sqrt_n)
    ret = under60 + [0] * int(u / lu + u / (lu * lu) * 1.5 - r)
    for d in dAll:
        segs[d] = [0] * ((B >> 5) + 1)
    # Do computations in segments of size 60�n
    lim = n // 60 + 1
    for L in range(1, lim, B):
        for d in dAll:
            for k in range(len(segs[d])):
                segs[d][k] = 0
        # Sieve off the primes (i.e. solutions to the various quadratic
        # Diophantine equations)
        lim2 = 60 * (L + B)
        for d, f, g in DFG1:
            enum1(d, f, g, L, B, segs)
        for d, f, g in DFG2:
            enum2(d, f, g, L, B, segs)
        for d, f, g in DFG3:
            enum3(d, f, g, L, B, segs)
        # Sieve off non-squarefree numbers
        for p in primes:
            p2 = p * p
            if p2 > lim2:
            if p >= 7:
                b = -xgcd(p2, 60)
                if b < 0: b += p2
                for d in dAll:
                    x = b * (60 * L + d) % p2
                    while x < B:
                        segs[d][x >> 5] &= ~(1 << (x & 31))
                        x += p2
        # Compute primes
        for j in range((B >> 5) + 1):
            for x in range(32):
                k = 60 * (L + x + (j << 5))
                for d in dAll:
                    if k + d > n:
                        return ret[:r]
                    # If a_k = 1, 60k + d is a prime
                    if ((segs[d][j] << 31 - x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >= 0x80000000:
                        ret[r] = 60 * k + d
                        r += 1
def prime_sieve(n):
    if n <= SMALL_THRESHOLD:
        return under60[:binary_search(n, under60)]
    elif n <= ERAT_THRESHOLD:
        return small_sieve(n)
    elif n <= ATKIN_THERSHOLD:
        return sieve_of_atkin(n)
        return segmented_sieve(2, n)
def segmented_sieve(lo, hi):
    if hi < lo: return []
    max_prime, pos = int(math.sqrt(hi)), 0
    base_primes = prime_sieve(max_prime)
    primes = [0] * int(math.ceil(1.5 * hi / math.log(hi)) - math.floor(1.5 * lo / math.log(lo)))
    # Include primes below �hi if necessary
    if lo < max_prime:
        lo_pos = binary_search(lo, base_primes, include_equal=True)
        for k in range(lo_pos, len(base_primes)):
            primes[pos] = base_primes[k]
            pos += 1
        lo = max_prime
    # Compute segment size
    delta = UPPER_SEG_SIZE if hi - lo >= UPPER_SEG_SIZE else LOWER_SEG_SIZE
    l1, l = len(base_primes), (delta >> 4) + 1
    int_size, sieve = l << 3, bytearray([0x0] * l)
    lo_1, hi_1 = lo, lo + delta
    # Compute stuff in segments
    while lo_1 <= hi:
        # Re-zero sieve bits if necessary
        if lo_1 != lo:
            for i in range(l):
                sieve[i] = 0
        if (lo_1 & 1) == 0:
            lo_1 += 1
        # Sieve off primes
        for i in range(1, l1):
            p = base_primes[i]
            k = (p - (lo_1 % p)) % p
            if (k & 1) == 1:
                k += p
            k >>= 1
            while k < int_size:
                sieve[k >> 3] |= 1 << (k & 7)
                k += p
        # Compute primes and put them in the prime list
        end = min(hi_1, hi) + 1
        for n in range(lo_1, end, 2):
            d = n - lo_1
            if ((sieve[d >> 4] >> ((d >> 1) & 0x7)) & 0x1) == 0x0:
                primes[pos] = n
                pos += 1
        # Update segment boundaries
        lo_1 = hi_1 + 1
        hi_1 = lo_1 + delta
    return primes[:pos]
def compute_bounds(n):
    log_n = len(str(n))
    if log_n <= 30:
        B1, B2 = 2000, 147396
    elif log_n <= 40:
        B1, B2 = 11000, 1873422
    elif log_n <= 50:
        B1, B2 = 50000, 12746592
    elif log_n <= 60:
        B1, B2 = 250000, 128992510
    elif log_n <= 70:
        B1, B2 = 1000000, 1045563762
    elif log_n <= 80:
        B1, B2 = 3000000, 5706890290
        # Anything greater and my computer runs out of memory -- prolly need to fix this
        B1, B2 = MAX_B1_ECM, MAX_B2_ECM
    return B1, B2
def point_add(px, pz, qx, qz, rx, rz, n):
    u = (px - pz) * (qx + qz)
    v = (px + pz) * (qx - qz)
    upv, umv = u + v, u - v
    x = (rz * upv * upv)
    if x >= n:
        x %= n
    z = rx * umv * umv
    if z >= n:
        z %= n
    return x, z
def point_double(px, pz, n, a24):
    u, v = px + pz, px - pz
    u2, v2 = u * u, v * v
    t = u2 - v2
    x = (u2 * v2)
    if x >= n:
        x %= n
    z = (t * (v2 + a24 * t))
    if z >= n:
        z %= n
    return x, z
def scalar_multiply(k, px, pz, n, a24):
    sk = bin(k)
    lk = len(sk)
    qx, qz = px, pz
    rx, rz = point_double(px, pz, n, a24)
    for i in range(3, lk):
        if sk[i] == '1':
            qx, qz = point_add(rx, rz, qx, qz, px, pz, n)
            rx, rz = point_double(rx, rz, n, a24)
            rx, rz = point_add(qx, qz, rx, rz, px, pz, n)
            qx, qz = point_double(qx, qz, n, a24)
    return qx, qz
def lucas_cost(k, v):
    d = k
    r = int(Decimal(d) * Decimal(v) + Decimal(0.5))
    if r >= k:
        return ADD_COST * k
    d, e, c = k - r, 2 * r - k, DUP_COST + ADD_COST
    while d != e:
        # Want d >= e so swap if d < e
        if d < e:
            d, e = e, d
        # Condition 1
        if 4 * d <= 5 * e and (d + e) % 3 == 0:
            d, e = (2 * d - e) / 3, (2 * e - d) / 3
            c += 3 * ADD_COST
        # Condition 2
        elif 4 * d <= 5 * e and (d - e) % 6 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 2
            c += ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 3
        elif d <= 4 * e:
            d -= e
            c += ADD_COST
        # Condition 4
        elif (d + e) % 2 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 2
            c += ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 5
        elif d % 2 == 0:
            d /= 2
            c += ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 6
        elif d % 3 == 0:
            d = d / 3 - e
            c += 3 * ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 7
        elif (d + e) % 3 == 0:
            d = (d - 2 * e) / 3
            c += 3 * ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 8
        elif (d - e) % 3 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 3
            c += 3 * ADD_COST + DUP_COST
        # Condition 9
            e /= 2
            c += ADD_COST + DUP_COST
    return c
def multiply_prac(k, px, pz, n, a24):
    ax, bx, cx, tx, t2x = px, 0, 0, 0, 0
    az, bz, cz, tz, t2z = pz, 0, 0, 0, 0
    v = [0.61803398874989485, 0.5801787282954641, 0.6179144065288179, 0.6180796684698958]
    # Find best value of v
    r, i = lucas_cost(k, v[0]), 0
    for d in range(len(v)):
        e = lucas_cost(k, v[d])
        if e < r:
            r, i = e, d
    r = int(Decimal(k) * Decimal(v[i]) + Decimal(0.5))
    d, e = k - r, 2 * r - k
    bx, bz, cx, cz = ax, az, ax, az
    ax, az = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
    while d != e:
        # Want d >= e so swap if d < e
        if d < e:
            d, e = e, d
            ax, az, bx, bz = bx, bz, ax, az
        # Condition 1
        if 4 * d <= 5 * e and (d + e) % 3 == 0:
            d, e = (2 * d - e) / 3, (2 * e - d) / 3
            tx, tz = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
            t2x, t2z = point_add(tx, tz, ax, az, bx, bz, n)
            bx, bz = point_add(bx, bz, tx, tz, ax, az, n)
            ax, az, t2x, t2z = t2x, t2z, ax, az
        # Condition 2
        elif 4 * d <= 5 * e and (d - e) % 6 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 2
            bx, bz = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
            ax, az = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
        # Condition 3
        elif d <= 4 * e:
            d -= e
            # tx, tz = point_add(bx, bz, ax, az, cx, cz, n)
            # bx, tx, cx = tx, cx, bx
            # bz, tz, cz = tz, cz, bz
            cx, cz = point_add(bx, bz, ax, az, cx, cz, n)
            bx, bz, cx, cz = cx, cz, bx, bz
        # Condition 4
        elif (d + e) % 2 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 2
            bx, bz = point_add(bx, bz, ax, az, cx, cz, n)
            ax, az = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
        # Condition 5
        elif d % 2 == 0:
            d /= 2
            cx, cz = point_add(cx, cz, ax, az, bx, bz, n)
            ax, az = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
        # Condition 6
        elif d % 3 == 0:
            d = d / 3 - e
            tx, tz = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
            t2x, t2z = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
            ax, az = point_add(tx, tz, ax, az, ax, az, n)
            # tx, tz = point_add(tx, tz, t2x, t2z, cx, cz, n)
            # cx, bx, tx = bx, tx, cx
            # cz, bz, tz = bz, tz, cz
            cx, cz = point_add(tx, tz, t2x, t2z, cx, cz, n)
            bx, bz, cx, cz = cx, cz, bx, bz
        # Condition 7
        elif (d + e) % 3 == 0:
            d = (d - 2 * e) / 3
            tx, tz = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
            bx, bz = point_add(tx, tz, ax, az, bx, bz, n)
            tx, tz = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
            # TODO: Check order of a and t here
            ax, az = point_add(ax, az, tx, tz, ax, az, n)
        # Condition 8
        elif (d - e) % 3 == 0:
            d = (d - e) / 3
            tx, tz = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
            # TODO: Check whether c = f(a, c, b) or c = f(c, a, b)
            cx, cz = point_add(cx, cz, ax, az, bx, bz, n)
            bx, bz, tx, tz = tx, tz, bx, bz
            tx, tz = point_double(ax, az, n, a24)
            # TODO: Check order of a and t here
            ax, az = point_add(ax, az, tx, tz, ax, az, n)
        # Condition 9
            e /= 2
            cx, cz = point_add(cx, cz, bx, bz, ax, az, n)
            bx, bz = point_double(bx, bz, n, a24)
    x, z = point_add(ax, az, bx, bz, cx, cz, n)
    return x, z
def factorize_ecm(n, verbose=False):
    if n == 1 or is_prime(n):
        return n
    B1, B2 = compute_bounds(n)
    # if verbose:
    # print "Number of digits:", len(str(n))
    # print "Bounds:", B1, B2
    D = int(math.sqrt(B2))
    beta = [0] * (D + 1)
    S = [0] * (2 * D + 2)
    # ----- Stage 1 and Stage 2 precomputations -----
    curves, log_B1 = 0, math.log(B1)
    # if verbose:
    #   print "Sieving primes..."
    primes = prime_sieve(B2)
    num_primes = len(primes)
    idx_B1 = binary_search(B1, primes)
    # Compute a B1-powersmooth integer 'k'
    k = 1
    for i in range(idx_B1):
        p = primes[i]
        k = k * pow(p, int(log_B1 / math.log(p)))
    g = 1
    while (g == 1 or g == n) and curves <= MAX_CURVES_ECM:
        curves += 1
        sigma = random.randint(6, MAX_RND_ECM)
        # if verbose and curves % RESOLUTION == 0:
        # print "Tried", curves, "random curves..."
        # Generate a new random curve in Montgomery form with Suyama's parametrization
        u = ((sigma * sigma) - 5) % n
        v = (4 * sigma) % n
        vmu = v - u
        A = ((vmu * vmu * vmu) * (3 * u + v) // (4 * u * u * u * v) - 2) % n
        a24 = (A + 2) // 4
        # ----- Stage 1 -----
        px, pz = ((u * u * u) // (v * v * v)) % n, 1
        qx, qz = scalar_multiply(k, px, pz, n, a24)
        g = gcd(n, qz)
        # If stage 1 is successful, return a non-trivial factor else
        # move on to stage 2
        if g != 1 and g != n:
            # print "Stage 1 found factor!"
            return g
        # ----- Stage 2 -----
        S[1], S[2] = point_double(qx, qz, n, a24)
        S[3], S[4] = point_double(S[1], S[2], n, a24)
        beta[1] = (S[1] * S[2]) % n
        beta[2] = (S[3] * S[4]) % n
        for d in range(3, D + 1):
            d2 = 2 * d
            S[d2 - 1], S[d2] = point_add(S[d2 - 3], S[d2 - 2], S[1], S[2], S[d2 - 5], S[d2 - 4], n)
            beta[d] = (S[d2 - 1] * S[d2]) % n
        g, B = 1, B1 - 1
        rx, rz = scalar_multiply(B, qx, qz, n, a24)
        tx, tz = scalar_multiply(B - 2 * D, qx, qz, n, a24)
        q, step = idx_B1, 2 * D
        for r in range(B, B2, step):
            alpha, limit = (rx * rz) % n, r + step
            while q < num_primes and primes[q] <= limit:
                d = (primes[q] - r) // 2
                f = (rx - S[2 * d - 1]) * (rz + S[2 * d]) - alpha + beta[d]
                g = (g * f) % n
                q += 1
            trx, trz = rx, rz
            rx, rz = point_add(rx, rz, S[2 * D - 1], S[2 * D], tx, tz, n)
            tx, tz = trx, trz
        g = gcd(n, g)
    # No non-trivial factor found, return -1
    if curves > MAX_CURVES_ECM:
        return -1
        # print "Stage 2 found factor!"
        return g
small_primes = prime_sieve(PRIME_THRESHOLD_RHO)
def factorize_rho(n, verbose=False):
    if n == 1 or is_prime(n):
        return n
    # If no factor is found, return -1
    for i in range(len(small_primes) - 1, -1, -1):
        r, c, y = 1, small_primes[i], random.randint(1, n - 1)
        # if verbose:
        # print "Trying offset:", c
        m, g, q, ys = random.randint(1, n - 1), 1, 1, y
        min_val, k = 0, 0
        while g == 1:
            x, k = y, 0
            for j in range(r):
                y = y * y + c
                if y > n: y %= n
            while k < r and g == 1:
                ys, min_val = y, min(m, r - k)
                for j in range(min_val):
                    y = y * y + c
                    if y > n: y %= n
                    q = q * abs(x - y)
                    if q > n: q %= n
                g = gcd(q, n)
                k += m
            r <<= 1
        if g == n:
            # If no factor found, try again.
            while True:
                ys = ys * ys + c
                if ys > n: ys %= n
                g = gcd(abs(x - ys), n)
                if g > 1:
        if g != n:
            return g
            return -1
small_primes = prime_sieve(PRIME_THRESHOLD_BF)
def merge_factorizations(f1, f2):
    if f1 == -1 or f2 == -1:
        # Factorization failed in this case
        return -1
    f = []
    i = j = 0
    while i < len(f1) and j < len(f2):
        if f1[i][0] < f2[j][0]:
            i += 1
        elif f1[i][0] > f2[j][0]:
            j += 1
            f.append((f1[i][0], f1[i][1] + f2[j][1]))
            i += 1
            j += 1
    if i < len(f1):
    elif j < len(f2):
    return f
def factorize_bf(n):
    sn = int(math.sqrt(n))
    f = []
    for p in small_primes:
        if p > sn:
            if n > 1:
                f.append((n, 1))
                n = 1
        i = 0
        while n % p == 0:
            n //= p
            i += 1
        if i > 0:
            f.append((p, i))
            sn = int(math.sqrt(n))
    return f, n
def print_factoring_routine(n, routine_name):
# print "Factoring", str(n), "with", routine_name + "..."
# TODO: Incorporate Pollard (p-1) into this - ignoring it for now
def factorize(n, verbose=False, level=3):
    # if verbose:
    # if n != 1:
    # print "Factoring", str(n) + "..."
    # print "Number of digits:", len(str(n))
    if n == 1:
        return []
    if is_prime(n):
        # if verbose:
        # print str(n), "is prime!"
        return [(n, 1)]
        f, f1 = [], []
        if level > 2:
            # Try brute force for small prime factors
            # if verbose:
            # print "Finding small prime factors..."
            f, n = factorize_bf(n)
            # if verbose:
            # if not f:
            # print "Found no small prime factors... :("
            # else:
            # print "Prime factors found:", reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [str(i[0]) + ", " for i in f])[:-2]
        if level > 1 and n <= SIZE_THRESHOLD_RHO and n > 1:
            # Try Pollard rho
            if verbose:
                print_factoring_routine(n, NAME_RHO)
            g = factorize_rho(n, verbose=verbose)
            if g != -1:
                if verbose:
                    # print "Found factor", str(g)
                    f1 = merge_factorizations(factorize(g, verbose=verbose, level=2), \
                                              factorize(n // g, verbose=verbose, level=2))
                    if f1 != -1:
        if level > 0 and (f1 == -1 or n > SIZE_THRESHOLD_RHO) and n > 1:
            # If Pollard rho fails try ECM
            if verbose:
                print_factoring_routine(n, NAME_ECM)
            g = factorize_ecm(n, verbose=verbose)
            if g != -1:
                if verbose:
                    # print "Found factor", str(g)
                    f1 = merge_factorizations(factorize(g, verbose=verbose, level=2),
                                              factorize(n // g, verbose=verbose, level=2))
                    if f1 != -1:
                        f = -1
        return f
def print_factorization(n, f):
    if n == 1:
        return "1^1"
    s = ""
    # s = str(n) + " = "
    for i in range(len(f) - 1):
        pf, exp = f[i][0], f[i][1]
        s += str(pf) + "^" + str(exp) + " "
    s += str(f[-1][0]) + "^" + str(f[-1][1])
    return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # sys.stdin = open('input.txt', 'r')
    # sys.stdout = open('output.txt', 'w')
    # input = sys.stdin.readline
    # logfile = open('mylog.txt', 'a')
    while True:
        n = int(input())
        if n == 0:
        # print ""
        t = time.time()
        f = factorize(n, verbose=True)
        t1 = time.time()
        if n < 1:
            print("invalid test case")