import ruamel.yaml
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq
# Merges a node from B with its pair in A
# If the node exists in both A and B, it will merge
# all children in sync
# If the node only exists in A, it will do nothing.
# If the node only exists in B, it will add it to A and stops
# attrPath DOES NOT include attrName
def mergeAttribute(parentNodeA, nodeA, nodeB, attrName, attrPath):
# If both is None, there is nothing to merge
if (nodeA is None) and (nodeB is None):
# If NodeA is None but NodeB has value, we simply set it in A
if (nodeA is None) and (parentNodeA is not None):
parentNodeA[attrName] = nodeB
if attrPath == '':
attrPath = attrName
attrPath = attrPath + '.' + attrName
if isinstance(nodeB, CommentedSeq):
# The attribute is a list, we need to merge specially
mergeList(nodeA, nodeB, attrPath)
elif isinstance(nodeB, CommentedMap):
# A simple object to be merged
mergeObject(nodeA, nodeB, attrPath)
# Primitive type, simply overwrites
parentNodeA[attrName] = nodeB
# Lists object attributes and merges the attribute values if possible
def mergeObject(nodeA, nodeB, attrPath):
for attrName in nodeB:
subNodeA = None
if attrName in nodeA:
subNodeA = nodeA[attrName]
subNodeB = None
if attrName in nodeB:
subNodeB = nodeB[attrName]
mergeAttribute(nodeA, subNodeA, subNodeB, attrName, attrPath)
# Merges two lists by properly identifying each item in both lists
# (using the merge-directives).
# If an item of listB is identified in listA, it will be merged onto the item
# of listA
def mergeList(listA, listB, attrPath):
# Iterating the list from B
for itemInB in listB:
itemInA = findItemInList(listA, itemInB, attrPath)
if itemInA is None:
# Present in both, we need to merge them
mergeObject(itemInA, itemInB, attrPath)
# Finds an item in the list by using the appropriate ID field defined for that
# attribute-path.
# If there is no id attribute defined for the list, it returns None
def findItemInList(listA, itemB, attrPath):
if attrPath not in listsWithId:
# No id field defined for the list, only "dumb" merging is possible
return None
# Finding out the name of the id attribute in the list items
idAttrName = listsWithId[attrPath]
idB = None
if idAttrName is not None:
idB = itemB[idAttrName]
# Looking for the item by its ID
for itemA in listA:
idA = None
if idAttrName is not None:
idA = itemA[idAttrName]
if idA == idB:
return itemA
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
# Load the merge directives
with open('merge-directives.yaml') as fp:
mergeDirectives = yaml.load(fp)
listsWithId = mergeDirectives['lists-with-id']
# Load the yaml files
with open('a.yaml') as fp:
dataA = yaml.load(fp)
with open('b.yaml') as fp:
dataB = yaml.load(fp)
mergeObject(dataA, dataB, '')
# create a new file with the merged yaml
yaml.dump(dataA, file('c.yaml', 'w'))
对于原问题中的数据结构,只有'list:"id" '配置项是需要的,但我包括了一些其他的键来演示用法。
# Lists that contain identifiable elements.
# Each sub-key is a property path denoting the list element in the YAML
# data structure.
# The value is the name of the attribute in the list element that
# identifies the list element so that pairing can be made.
list: "id"
list.sub-list: "id"
a.listAttrShared: "name"
attrShared: value-from-a
- name: a1
- name: a2
attrOfAOnly: value-from-a
- id: 1
name: "name-from-A"
- id: s1
name: "name-from-A"
comments: "doesn't exist in B, so left untouched"
- id: s2
name: "name-from-A"
- "comment 1"
- "comment 2"
- id: 2
name: "name-from-A"
attrShared: value-from-b
- name: b1
- name: b2
attrOfBOnly: value-from-b
- id: 1
name: "name-from-B"
- id: s2
name: "name-from-B"
title: "title-from-B"
comments: "overwrites name in A with name in B + adds title from B"
- id: s3
name: "name-from-B"
comments: "only exists in B so added to A's list"
- "comment 3"
- "comment 4"
- id: 2