5522 俞准,教授,博士生导师,博士毕业于加拿大Concordia大学。湖南大学设计艺术学院学术委员会委员,可持续与生态设计方向负责人。承担及参与30余项国际国内科研项目,发表论文60余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文20余篇,SCI引用逾1800次。在国际上首次将数据挖掘技术系统引入并成功应用于建筑节能领域;被中国建筑工程总公司技术中心聘为“夏热冬冷地区基于相变蓄能的超低能耗建筑基础实验研究”首席科学家;与华为合作研究成果助力华为智慧低碳园区解决方案设计获得2023 iF设计奖(http://design.hnu.edu.cn/info/1032/8314.htm);指导博、硕士研究生多人受国家留学基金委等资助与国际知名大学联合培养,2019年获评湖南省优秀硕士论文指导教师;指导大学生创新性实验计划项目多次获得国家/省级立项支持。因研究工作成绩显著,被瑞典于黙奥大学(UMEÅ University)聘请为客座教授;担任多个国际学术期刊和会议审稿人,被国际顶级期刊《Sustainable cities and society》聘为编委,同时被聘为《Advances in building energy research》、《建筑科学》编委及《建筑热能通风空调》编辑;多次担任国际国内学术会议科学委员会委员及会场主持人。获国家级教学成果二等奖和省部级教学成果特等奖,2017年获湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛一等奖,被评为湖南省普通高校教学能手;2017、2018年连续获湖南大学教学优秀奖。

电邮 >> zhunyu@hnu.edu.cn


1.可持续行为设计 (Sustainable Behavior Design)

2.建筑人行为及数据挖掘 (Building Occupant Behavior and Data Mining)

3.智慧能源管理系统创新设计 (Intelligent Energy Management System Design)

4.清洁能源及智慧蓄能系统 (Clean Energy and Smart Energy Storage System)




3.基于劝导设计的智慧建筑用能行为数据挖掘及可视化反馈系统研究与应用. 中国建筑第五工程局有限公司. 2021-2024. 主持








11.Occupant behavior-centric building design and operation. IEA Annex 79. 2018/01-2023/01,参与

12.Energy storage with energy efficient buildings and districts: optimization and automation. International Energy Agency (IEA) ECES Annex 31,2014/01-2017/12,参与

13.Applying energy storage in ultra-low energy buildings. IEA ECES Annex 23. 2009-2013,参与

14.Total energy use in buildings-analysis and evaluation methods. IEA ECBCS Annex 53. 2008-2012,参与

15.Energy use data mining, life cycle cost analysis, and optimization studies for the design of high performance green buildings—on approach towards the “net-zero” target by 2030. Funded by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC),2008/01-2010/12,参与

16.Hong Kong RGC CERG research project PolyU 5020/04E. Development of a novel rational model for selection of sequences of coincident design weather variables. Hong Kong Polytechnic University,2004/01-2006/12,参与


1.Yaping Zhou, Jiayu Chen, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Jun Li, Gongsheng Huang, Fariborz Haghighat, Guoqiang, Zhang. A novel model based on multi-grained cascade forests with wavelet denoising for indoor occupancy estimation. Building and Environment. 167(2020): 106461. (SCI引用次数:28)

2.Jun Li, Karthik Panchabikesan, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Fariborz Haghighat, Mohamed El Mankibi, David Corgier. Systematic data mining-based framework to discover potential energy waste patterns in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings. 199 (2019): 562-578. (SCI引用次数:25)

3.Jun Li, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Fariborz Haghighat, Guoqiang Zhang. Development and improvement of occupant behavior models towards realistic building performance simulation: A review. Sustainable Cities and Society. 50(2019): 101685. (SCI引用次数:70)

4.Zhengxuan Liu, Pengcheng Sun, Shuisheng Li, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Tingting Yang, Guoqiang Zhang. Enhancing a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system using tubular phase change material. Journal of Cleaner Production. 237 (2019): 117763. (SCI引用次数:33)

5.Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Ying Sun, Pengcheng Sun, Shuisheng Li, Guoqiang Zhang. Experimental and numerical study of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system integrated with annular phase change material. Energy Conversion and Management. 186(2019):433-449. (SCI引用次数:54)

6.Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Letizia Roccamena, Pengcheng Sun, Shuisheng Li, Guoqiang Zhang, Mohamed El Mankibi. Numerical modeling and parametric study of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system. Energy. 172(2019):220-231.  (SCI引用次数:45)

7.Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Shuisheng Li, Mohamed El Mankibi, Letizia Roccamena, Di Qin, Guoqiang Zhang. Experimental investigation of a vertical earth-to-air heat exchanger system. Energy Conversion and Management. 183(2019):241-251. (SCI引用次数:51)

8.Zhengxuan Liu, Zhun (Jerry) Yu*, Tingting Yang, Di Qin, Shuisheng Li, Guoqiang Zhang, Fariborz Haghighat, Mahmood Mastani Joybari. A review on macro-encapsulated phase change material for building envelope applications. Building and Environment. 144(2018):281-294. (SCI引用次数:197)

9.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Jiayu Chen, Yongjun Sun*, Guoqiang Zhang. A GA-based System Sizing Method for Net-Zero Energy Buildings Considering Multi-criteria Performance Requirements under Parameter Uncertainties. Energy and Buildings. 129(2016):524-534. (SCI引用次数:40)

10.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Fariborz Haghighat*, Benjamin C.M. Fung. Advances and challenges in building engineering and data mining applications for energy-efficient communities. Sustainable Cities and Society. 25 (2016): 33-38. (SCI引用次数:87)

11.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Bin Yang*, Neng Zhu. Effect of thermal transient on human thermal comfort in temporarily occupied space in winter - a case study in Tianjin. Building and Environment. 93(2) (2015): 27-33. (SCI引用次数:30)

12.Zhun (Jerry) Yu∗, Gongsheng Huang, Fariborz Haghighat, Hongqiang Li, Guoqiang Zhang. Control strategies for integration of thermal energy storage into buildings: State-of-the-Art review. Energy and Buildings. 106 (2015):203-215. (SCI引用次数:66)

13.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Fariborz Haghighat∗. Extracting knowledge from building-related data — A data mining framework. Building Simulation: an International Journal. 6(2) (2013): 207-222. (SCI引用次数:65)

14.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Fariborz Haghighat∗, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Liang Zhou. A novel methodology for knowledge discovery through mining all associations between building operational data. Energy and Buildings. 47(4) (2012):430-440. (SCI引用次数:101)

15.Zhun (Jerry) Yu, Fariborz Haghighat*, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Edward Morofsky, Hiroshi Yoshin. A Methodology for identifying and improving occupant behavior in residential buildings. Energy. 36(11) (2011):6596-6608. (SCI引用次数:83)

16.Zhun Yu, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Fariborz Haghighat∗, Hiroshi Yoshino, Edward Morofsk. A systematic procedure to study the influence of occupant behavior on building energy consumption. Energy and Buildings. 43(6) (2011): 1409-1417. (SCI引用次数:401)

17.Zhun Yu, Fariborz Haghighat*, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Hiroshi Yoshino. A decision tree method for building energy demand modeling. Energy and Buildings. 42(10) (2010): 1637-1646.  (SCI引用次数:418)

18.俞准*,肖钰芃,李郡,栾嘉晨,郭紫薇. 跨学科视角下智慧城市住户行为节能综合研究框架设计. 生态经济. 2021, 37 (5): 222-227.

19.赵倩,严中俊,秦迪,王姜,庹晓糠,俞准*,张国强. 相变蓄能冷暖辐射地板系统热响应特性实验研究. 建筑科学.2020, 36(8):  21-27.

20.黄余建,俞准*,李郡,周亚苹,周晋,张国强. 变时间步长在室行为预测模型研究.建筑科学. 2019, 35(8): 118-124.

21.胡宾,俞准*,李郡,张国强. 建筑用户行为节能潜力评估新方法. 土木建筑与环境工程. 2018, 40(2): 103-108.

l 博士研究生

栾嘉晨:节能心理与行为劝导设计 (湖南大学 设计学|山东大学 工业设计)

曹叶田:家庭能源管理与行为改变设计 (意大利米兰理工 产品服务系统|北京工商大学 工业设计)

陈纤蓉:可持续行为干预设计 (英国皇家艺术学院 产品设计/江南大学 产品设计)

李郡:家庭能源管理与数据挖掘 (湖南大学 供热供燃气通风及空调工程|兰州理工大学 建筑环境与设备工程)

刘丽芳:清洁能源与智慧蓄能系统 (广州大学 建筑与土木工程|唐山学院 建筑环境与设备工程)

祝悦湘:多能互补与优化控制 (郑州大学 建筑环境与能源应用工程,直博)

l 士研究生

李欣樾:情境体验与行为改变设计(武汉理工大学 产品设计)

石涵睿:碳普惠与行为劝导设计(湖南大学 工业设计)

朱砚清:可持续行为设计 (西南交通大学 工业设计)

宋之凝:可持续行为设计 (合肥工业大学 工业设计)

任婧轩:可持续行为设计 (湖南大学 工业设计)

孙庆冉:可持续行为设计 (中国地质大学(武汉) 工业设计)

孙倩:可持续行为设计 (西安美术学院 产品设计)

江思璇:可持续行为设计 (北京工商大学 产品设计)

沈泽昊:可持续行为设计 (湖南师范大学 环境设计)


1.刘政轩 (博士研究生,国家留学基金委全额资助法国里昂大学联合指导,湖南省/湖南大学优秀毕业生)


2.严中俊 (博士研究生)


3.肖钰芃 (硕士研究生)


4.郭紫薇 (硕士研究生)






7.李康婷 (硕士研究生)


8.胡宾 (硕士研究生,湖南省/湖南大学优秀硕士论文)
