性感的卤蛋  ·  Could not build ...·  4 月前    · 
沉稳的火车  ·  jupyter ...·  1 年前    · 
逼格高的饭盒  ·  微软待办 API 概述 - ...·  1 年前    · 
declare @name varchar(50)
declare @sql varchar(1000)
set @name ='AlarmCountConfig_'+convert(varchar(23), getdate(),112);
set @sql = 'select top 0 * into '+@name+' from AlarmCountConfig';
print @sql
declare @Count int 
declare @LastTableName varchar(100)
declare @Sql varchar(1000)
set @Count=100
set  @LastTableName='2018-10-30'
while @Count>0
set @Sql='drop table tb_AccessLayerTraffic_'+
exec (@Sql)
set @Count=@Count-1


建表declare @name varchar(50)declare @sql varchar(1000)set @name ='AlarmCountConfig_'+convert(varchar(120), getdate(),112);set @sql = 'select top 1 * into '+@name+' from AlarmCountConfig';print @sq...
有些时候需要根据变量批量创建表,下面是个ms sql根据表明变量动态建表存储过程实例,在MSSQL2008下调试通过。 USE [UNICOM_MAIL_ACCOUNT] SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON -- ============================================= -- Author: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[time_dimension] ( [time_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [the_date] [datet...
In the previous two articles of this series, we’ve discussed how to create a report and how to use built-in date and time functions. Today, we’ll join these two together and analyze some in...
1 :普通SQL语句可以用exec执行 Select * from tableName exec('select * from tableName') exec sp_executesql N'select * from tableName' -- 请注意字符串前一定要加N 2:字段名,表名,数据库名之类作为变量时,必须用动态 SQL declare @fname v... --创建测试表 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[TestRows2Columns]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestRows2Columns] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestRows2Columns]( [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,