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private static int port = 1234 ; private static UdpClient udpClient; private static Thread thread; public static void Start () udpClient = new UdpClient(port); thread = new Thread( new ThreadStart(Listen)); thread.Start(); private static void Listen () while ( true ) IPEndPoint remoteEP = null ; byte [] data = udpClient.Receive( ref remoteEP); string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); Console.WriteLine( "Received: {0} from {1}" , message, remoteEP.ToString()); // do some processing on the received message // send a response message back to the client byte [] response = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "Response message" ); udpClient.Send(response, response.Length, remoteEP); public static void Stop () udpClient.Close(); thread.Abort();


要启动服务器,请调用 Start 方法,该方法将创建一个新的UDP客户端和一个新线程以便监听传入的数据报。要停止服务器,请调用 Stop 方法,该方法将关闭UDP客户端并终止监听线程。

