1. 问题描述
用 IDA 打开libcurl.dll 可以在导入表看到对 GetTickCount64的引用,在 xp 的kernel32.dll中没有 GetTickCount64,
所以会出现 无法定位 GetTickCount64的问题
2. 解决方法
Win7 64位系统 + vs2015
2.1 下载源码
2.2 打开 Visual Studio 2015 x64 x86 兼容工具命令提示符
注释掉以下文件中和 GetTickCount64有关的代码
struct timeval curlx_tvnow(void)
** GetTickCount() is available on _all_ Windows versions from W95 up
** to nowadays. Returns milliseconds elapsed since last system boot,
** increases monotonically and wraps once 49.7 days have elapsed.
struct timeval now;
<span >//#if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || !defined(_WIN32_WINNT_VISTA) || \
(_WIN32_WINNT < _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA)</span>
DWORD milliseconds = GetTickCount();
now.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000;
now.tv_usec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000;
<span >/*#else
ULONGLONG milliseconds = GetTickCount64();
now.tv_sec = (long) (milliseconds / 1000);
now.tv_usec = (long) (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000;
return now;
struct timeval tool_tvnow(void)
** GetTickCount() is available on _all_ Windows versions from W95 up
** to nowadays. Returns milliseconds elapsed since last system boot,
** increases monotonically and wraps once 49.7 days have elapsed.
** GetTickCount64() is available on Windows version from Windows Vista
** and Windows Server 2008 up to nowadays. The resolution of the
** function is limited to the resolution of the system timer, which
** is typically in the range of 10 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds.
struct timeval now;
<span >/*#if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600)
ULONGLONG milliseconds = GetTickCount64();
DWORD milliseconds = GetTickCount();
<span >//#endif</span>
now.tv_sec = (long)(milliseconds / 1000);
now.tv_usec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000;
return now;
CFLAGS = /I. /I ../lib /I../include /nologo /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /FD /c /DBUILDING_LIBCURL <span >/D_USING_V110_SDK71_</span>
CURL_CFLAGS = /I../lib /I../include /nologo /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /FD /c <span >/D_USING_V110_SDK71_</span>
CURL_LFLAGS = /nologo /out:$(DIRDIST)\bin\$(PROGRAM_NAME) <span >/subsystem:console,"5.01"</span> /machine:$(MACHINE)
在 Visual Studio 2015 x64 x86 兼容工具命令提示符下输入命令;
nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll MACHINE=x86 ENABLE_WINSSL=no ENABLE_IDN=no ENABLE_SSPI=no
编译成功后在 {CURL_SRC}\builds 目录生成目标文件.