
以牡蛎为原料制备了类蛋白反应修饰肽, 利用Sephadex G-15凝胶层析柱和反向高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)等分离技术得到1条锌离子螯合活性为161 mg/g的多肽( M w =835), 多肽序列为EVPPEEH. 以测得的肽序列为模板合成多肽, 将纯肽与锌离子进行螯合反应制备肽锌螯合物. 螯合物的红外光谱和圆二色光谱表征结果表明, 锌离子主要与多肽链上的羰基氧发生相互作用. 与多肽的空间结构相比, 螯合物的无规则卷曲结构减少, β 转角增加而 β 折叠减少. 由肽锌螯合物的分子模拟和二级质谱结果可知, 多肽与锌离子螯合后有2种空间构象: 一种通过六配位的方式螯合1个锌离子, 其中主要的螯合位点为多肽Val-2和Pro-3或者Clu-5和Clu-6之间的羰基氧; 另一种是通过四配位的方式螯合1个锌离子, 主要的螯合位点为多肽Clu-5和Clu-6之间的羰基氧.


An oyster peptide modified by plastein reaction was isolated from the modified product using different methods including Sephadex G-15 gelcolumn chromatography and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromalography(RP-HPLC). The purified peptide was sequenced as EVPPEEH with a zinc chelate activity of 161 mg/g. The peptide sequence was used as template to synthesize the pure peptide which was used to prepare peptide-zinc complexes. The results of infrared spectroscopy and circular dichroism of the complexes showed that the carbonyl oxygen belonging to the peptide chain was the primary binding site for Zn 2+ . Compared with the pure peptide, the irregular curl and β fold of complexes was reduced while β angle increases. Molecular mechanics simulation experiment and secondary spectrum of complexes showed that there were two kinds of spatial conformation of complexes. One way was to chelate a zinc ion by six coordination where the main chelating site was the carbonyl oxygen between Val-2 and Pro-3 or Clu-5 and Clu-6. The other was to chelate a zinc ion by four coordination where the main chelating site was the carbonyl oxygen between Clu-5 and Clu-6.

Key words: Plastein reaction, Chelate activity, Isolation and purification, Chelate site Fig.2 Isolation and purification of modified oyster peptides by plastein reaction and zinc ion chelating activity of different components(A) a—d: Modified peptides isolated by Sephadex G-15 chromatograph; (B) zinc ion chelating activity of components a—d; (C) further purified components a1 and a2 by RP-HPLC on Zorbax SB-C18 column; (D) zinc ion chelating activity of components a1 and a2.

Fig.2 Isolation and purification of modified oyster peptides by plastein reaction and zinc ion chelating activity of different components(A) a—d: Modified peptides isolated by Sephadex G-15 chromatograph; (B) zinc ion chelating activity of components a—d; (C) further purified components a1 and a2 by RP-HPLC on Zorbax SB-C18 column; (D) zinc ion chelating activity of components a1 and a2.

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