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数字人文不仅仅指应用数字方法在人文领域的应用,更重要地,它代表着人文学科在智能信息环境下的范式演化,也是通用人工智能领域的重要组成部分。为推动国际数字人文事业的发展,培养既具备人文问题意识又能运用计算思维的跨学科人才, 北京大学、哈佛大学与普林斯顿大学联合创办“数字人文暑期工作坊” 。课程面向全球招生,采用线下面授方式,在北大、哈佛和普林斯顿三校校园轮流举办。每期筹办可围绕不同的主题来组织教学团队和教学内容。 首届三校联合工作坊将于 2023 7 30 – 8 12 日在北京大学举办。本次课程以 智能信息环境下的人文创新 为主题,邀请人文学者和人工智能专家联合授课:一方面,教授如何在人文材料上应用大数据与智能方法,培养学员应用计算思维来解决历史与人文议题;另一方面,挖掘历史与文化类的复杂语料在通用人工智能领域中的应用价值。 课程招收具有独立研究能力的研究生与高年级本科生,也欢迎感兴趣的青年教师参加。本期课程将主要以中国历史和古代思想史的材料为实验素材,以讲授和研习相结合的方式展开:由历史学家介绍历史材料和可供探索的研究选题,由技术专家讲授常见的数字人文方法和智能工具,学生们组成跨学科项目小组,选择感兴趣的研究课题,以项目驱动的方式展开研究。 在快速迭代的人工智能技术强力推动下,我们正站在教育乃至人类思维范式变革的历史拐点。如何培养既具备人文素养又能驾驭智能技术、既具有国际视野又立足于本地文化的文理贯通的综合型人才,从而拥有在未来智能社会中处理复杂文化与社会议题的能力,是全球高等教育面临的共同挑战。北大、哈佛、普林斯顿三校整合各自在东亚数字人文研究领域的精华师资设立本课程,希望通过对真实材料的精读研讨和具体项目的动手实践,为未来社会造就新人才、开辟学科融合的新路径。 工作坊现已开放招生,详见工作坊官网: https://camp2023.pkudh.org/ l   北京大学数字人文研究中心 / 历史学系 / 人工智能研究院 l   哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心数字中国研究计划 l   普林斯顿大学东亚学系 组织委员会 指导委员会 l 邓小南 ,北京大学博雅教授,北京大学人文社会科学研究院院长 l Peter Bol , Charles H. Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University l Anna Shields , Professor of East Asian Studies and Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University l 朱松纯 ,北京大学讲席教授,人工智能研究院院长 工作委员会 l 王 军 ,北京大学信息管理系、人工智能研究院双聘教授 l 何 晋 ,北京大学历史系教授 l 陈 松 Associate Professor, Bucknell University l 苏 祺 ,北京大学外国语学院、信息科学技术学院双聘副教授 l 史 睿 ,北京大学中古史研究中心副主任,副研究馆员 l Joe Dennis : Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison l Song Chen : Associate Professor of Chinese History, Bucknell University l Donald Sturgeon : Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Durham University l Calvin Yeh : IT Architect, Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science l 王 军 ,北京大学信息管理系、人工智能研究院双聘教授 l 苏 祺 ,北京大学外国语学院、信息科学技术学院双聘副教授 l 王长松 ,北京大学城市与环境学院研究员 l 邱伟云 ,南京大学历史系副教授 l 杨 浩 ,北京大学人工智能研究院副研究员 l 位 通 ,北京大学信息管理系助理教授 课程以多种形式展开: 线下讲授 :第一周邀请海内外的优秀学者讲授数字人文的研究方法、研究案例等。 项目实践 :第二周学生选择各自感兴趣的研究选题,组成项目小组。多个项目小组并行展开研究实践。研究导师全程参与指导,与项目小组密切交流。 经典文献阅读与讨论 :研究导师引入研究选题,并推荐与该问题相关的经典文献。在研究导师的指导下,项目小组对推荐文献在精读的基础上,展开批判性讨论,分析其中的不足与可以继续深入的研究点。 案例分享 :课程将邀请数字人文的新锐学者线上分享相关研究案例。 项目小组报告 :课程期间,项目小组将相互分享各自的研究主题;课程结束时,所有项目小组汇报最终研究报告,由讲师团队进行点评。 授课语言 :授课以中文为主,部分课程英文讲授。 课程还将邀请多才多艺的资深学者和民间艺术家展示和讲解传统的中国文化技艺,例如古琴、书画、太极拳。使得学生在课堂学习之外体验生动鲜活的文化传承。文化体验活动的详细信息将随后在工作坊官网发布。 招生对象 :课程以培养人文意识和计算思维的跨学科综合素养为首要目标,同时招收文科和理工科学员。对于文科背景的学员,要求对数字人文领域和相关的技术方法有基本的了解;对于理工科背景的学员,要求对历史文化议题有兴趣,并且具有一定的文言文阅读能力。本次课程由北大历史系和人工智能研究院参与协办,重点招收中国历史、古代思想史、中国哲学、自然语言处理、计算语言学、知识工程等教育背景的在校研究生和高年级本科生。学员应具备较好的英文读写听说能力。 申请方式 :所有申请者均需通过正式报名渠道提交申请材料,包括:个人简介、申请自述,并草拟研究计划作为录用参考(申请者的导师推荐信不是必备的,但是会有助于录用审核)。由三校教师组成评审委员会综合评估后录用。报名链接: https://t.ly/wWwa 报名要求 : 本课程以线下授课和小组研讨的方式展开,学员须承诺全程参加。课程不提供线上参与方式。课程结束后,部分授课视频将以公开课的形式发布。 招生人数 50 人。 申请截止日期 5 28 日。 录取通知日期 6 10 日。 课程费用 :学费 2000 人民币,北京大学在校生学费 800 元。所有学员食宿自理。基于先到先得的原则,课程协助提供有限数量的北大中关新园住宿预定。课程有少量国际旅费资助名额可供申请。旅费资助申请者须提供以下两份材料作为参考: 1) 所在院系的推荐信; 2) 因本次工作坊产生的国际旅行票据。 课程证书 :全程参与课程并完成所有要求的学员将获得北大、哈佛、普林斯顿三校联合签署的课程证书。 读博推荐 :北京大学人工智能研究院与北大文科院系合作,培养人工智能与人文社科交叉的综合型人才。暑期课的优秀学员将有机会被推荐到人工智能研究院及相关人文社科院系读博。 成果发表 :我们鼓励学员在课程结束后,在研究导师的远程指导下继续推进研究,高质量的研究成果将推荐期刊发表。 第一周 , 7 30 – 8 5 Digital humanities is more than the use of digital methods in humanities studies; it marks the shifting of the humanities research paradigms in the age of artificial intelligence. To foster interdisciplinary talents who can apply computational thinking in the humanities and arts, the Center for Digital Humanities at Peking University, the Digital China Initiative of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, and the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University have jointly established the "Digital Humanities Summer Workshop" program. The course will rotate every summer among the three campuses of Peking University, Harvard University, and Princeton University, and with each university selecting a theme of interest and organizing teaching teams and content accordingly. The first joint summer workshop will be held at Peking University in early August 2023, with the theme of "Humanistic Innovation in the AI Age." The course aims to teach how to apply big data and AI methods to the materials of humanities research, but also exploit the value of complex historical and cultural corpora in developing Artificial General Intelligence. The course will mainly use Chinese historical sources as experimental materials. Both humanists and AI experts will be invited to co-teach: humanities scholars introduce historical materials and research topics for exploration, while technical experts instruct on the use of digital humanities methods and intelligent tools. The course is open to graduate and senior undergraduate students of both H&A and STEM backgrounds, and young teachers who are interested are also welcome to participate. Students will be grouped into interdisciplinary project teams based on their research topics of interest, and conduct research in a project-driven manner. This course focuses on the fostering of independent research abilities and cross-disciplinary collaboration instead of basic skill training. Co-Organizers l Center for Digital Humanities, Department of History & Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University l Digital China Initiative, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University l Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University Committees Steering Committee l Xiaonan DENG , Boya Professor, Chair of Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking University l Peter BOL , Charles H. Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University l Anna SHIELDS , Professor of East Asian Studies and Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University l Songchun ZHU , Chair Professor, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University Executive Committee l Jun WANG , Professor of Department of Information Management, and Joint appointment in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University l Jin HE , Professor of Department of History, Peking University l Song CHEN , Associate Professor of Bucknell University, and Senior Project Manager of CBDB, Harvard University l Qi SU , Associate Professor of College of Foreign Languages, and Joint Appointment in the in the Colleges of Information Science and Technology, Peking University l Rui SHI , Librarian of the Institute for Antient China History, Peking University Teaching Committee l Joe DENNIS : Professor of Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison l Song CHEN : Associate Professor of Chinese History, Bucknell University l Donald STURGEON : Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science, Durham University l Calvin YEH : IT Architect of Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science l Jun WANG , Professor of Department of Information Management, and Joint appointment in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University l Qi SU , Associate Professor of College of Foreign Languages, and Joint Appointment in the in the Colleges of Information Science and Technology, Peking University l Changsong WANG , Associate Professor, College of Urban and Environment Science l Weiyun QIU , Associate Professor of Xueheng institute for Advanced Studies and School of History, Nanjing University l Hao YANG , Research Associate, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University l Tong WEI , Assistant Professor, Peking University Methods of Teaching The course is conducted in the following ways: Lecturing : During the first week, invited scholars teach digital methods and frontier research cases of digital humanities. Project Practice : During the second week, students choose research topics of interest and form project teams. They will then carry out research practices in parallel, with guidance from the research supervisors who will maintains close communication with student teams. Critical Literature Discussion : The research supervisors introduce research topics and recommends related literature. Under the guidance of the research supervisors, student teams conduct critical discussions based on intensive reading, analyzing shortcomings that can be further explored. Studies : Young scholars in the field of digital humanities will be invited to share their inspiring research works. Group Presentations : At the end of the course, all student teams will report their final research results, which will be evaluated by the teaching committee. Teaching Languages : The course will be mainly taught in Chinese, with some lectures in English. Multicultural Heritage Experiences As part of our educational program, we plan to offer students a chance to have immersive experience in traditional Chinese arts beyond classroom lectures and projects. We will invite scholars and artists to preform and present 7-string zither, painting, calligraphy, and Tai chi on weekends. This will provide students with an opportunity to experience the richness of Chinese cultural heritage in real-time while complementing their learning through the use of textual materials and digital resources. Detailed information about these events will be released later. Enrollment Application Target Students : Graduate students and senior undergraduates with an educational background in Chinese history, Chinese philosophy, and the intellectual history of traditional China, as well as in other related areas of East Asian studies, are preferred. Those with expertise in natural language processing, computational linguistics, and knowledge engineering, as well as related STEM fields, are also encouraged to apply. For students of humanities and art, basic knowledge of digital humanities and skill training are required. For students of STEM, an interest in historical and cultural topics and a certain level of proficiency in classical Chinese are required. Proficiency in both English and Chinese reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills is required for all applicants. Application : All applicants must submit application materials via the link: https://t.ly/wWwa , including personal information, a statement of purpose, and a supposed research plan. While a recommendation letter from the applicant’s supervisor is not mandatory for the application, it can serve as a valuable addition. The teaching committee will review the materials comprehensively to make admission decisions. Participant Commitment : This course consists of in-person lectures and small group discussions, full participation is mandatory for all students. Online participation will not be available. Number of Admissions : 50 Application Deadline : May 28 th , 2023. Notification of Admission : June 10 th , 2023. Tuition : 800 RMB for current students at PKU, and 2,000 RMB for non-PKU students. Attendees are responsible for their own food and accommodation. A limited number of hotel rooms nearby PKU are available for booking on a first come, first served basis. We offer need-blind financial aid to cover some travel expenses for eligible participants and please provide the following materials to apply: 1) a recommendation letter; 2) proofs of flights or accommodations (receipts, confirmations, or other documentation that verifies your bookings). Course Certificate : Students who fully participate and complete all requirements will receive a course certificate jointly signed by the steering committee members of Peking University, Harvard University and Princeton University. Recommendation : The Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Peking University is collaborating with the humanities and social science departments to cultivate well-rounded professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge in AI as well as humanities and social sciences. Exceptional students will have the opportunity to be recommended to the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and related humanities social science departments for PhD studies. Publication Opportunity : We encourage students to continue their research under the remote guidance of their research supervisor after the summer workshop, and exceptional research results will be recommended for publication by the teaching committee members. Teaching Schedule First Week, Jul.30-Aug.5