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2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选 正在火热进行中,快来投票支持你喜欢的开源项目!
2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选 >>> 中场回顾
  • 💥 Clean : The Jsonnet language expresses your apps more obviously than YAML ever did
  • 📚 Reusable : Build libraries, import them anytime and even share them on GitHub!
  • 📌 Concise : Using the Kubernetes library and abstraction, you will never see boilerplate again!
  • 🎯 Confidence : Stop guessing and use tk diff to see what exactly will happen
  • 🔭 Helm : Vendor in, modify, and export Helm charts reproducibly
  • 🚀 Production ready : Tanka deploys Grafana Cloud and many more production setups
  • Let's kill some YAML together

    🚀 Getting started

    To get started, install Tanka first, and then follow the tutorial . This should get you on track quickly.

    👥 Community

    There are several places to connect with the Tanka community:

  • GitHub Discussions : Primary support channel
  • #tanka on Grafana Slack
  • Mailing lists
  • tanka-announce : Low frequency list with announcements, releases, etc
  • tanka-users : General purpose group for discussions, community support and more
  • Please don't ask individual project members or open GitHub issues for support requests. Use one of the above channels so everyone in the community can participate.

    Furthermore, see LICENSE and GOVERNANCE .

    📖 Additional resources

  • https://jsonnet.org/ , the official Jsonnet documentation provides lots of examples on how to use the language.
  • https://github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs : Grafana Labs' Jsonnet libraries are a rich set of configuration examples compatible with Tanka.
  • 📝 License

    Tanka is an open-source project ❤️ . It is free as in beer and as in speech and this will never change.

    Licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE .

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