
播放 PCM 音频裸数据,不能播放视频,需要自己先解码音频,接下来将说明 AudioTrack 初始化的几个参数的意义:

    public AudioTrack(int streamType, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat, int bufferSizeInBytes, int mode) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        throw new RuntimeException("Stub!");
  • streamType 流类型,AudioManager 中定义了音频的类型,可大致分为 STREAM_MUSIC 、 STREAM_RINHG 等
  • sampleRateInHz 采样率,播放的音频每秒有多少次采样
  • channelConfig 声道数配置,单声道和双声道
  • audioFormat 数据位宽,选择 16bit ,能够兼容所有 Android 设备
  • bufferSizeInBytes 缓冲区大小,通过 AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize 运算得出
  • mode 播放模式 : MODE_STATIC 一次写入,MODE_STREAM 多次写入
  • 播放 WAV 文件

    WAV 是在 PCM 前面添加了几个字节来表示音频的格式,未对 PCM 进行压缩,所以文件体积相较于 MP3 等有损压缩文件要大,我们的 AudioTrack 可以播放 WAV 文件

    为了使用 AudioTrack 播放,我们需要提前准备一份 WAV 格式的音频文件,将文件重命名为 “test.wav”,然后放到手机内置存储的根目录中 ,使用流的形式播放,就需要将文件转成 InputStream,然后将 byte 数据 通过 AudioTrack.write() 写入缓冲区进行播放

  • 准备读取 WAV 文件
  • public class WavFileHeader { public static final int WAV_FILE_HEADER_SIZE = 44; public static final int WAV_CHUNKSIZE_EXCLUDE_DATA = 36; public static final int WAV_CHUNKSIZE_OFFSET = 4; public static final int WAV_SUB_CHUNKSIZE1_OFFSET = 16; public static final int WAV_SUB_CHUNKSIZE2_OFFSET = 40; public String mChunkID = "RIFF"; public int mChunkSize = 0; public String mFormat = "WAVE"; public String mSubChunk1ID = "fmt "; public int mSubChunk1Size = 16; public short mAudioFormat = 1; public short mNumChannel = 1; public int mSampleRate = 8000; public int mByteRate = 0; public short mBlockAlign = 0; public short mBitsPerSample = 8; public String mSubChunk2ID = "data"; public int mSubChunk2Size = 0; public WavFileHeader() { public WavFileHeader(int sampleRateInHz, int channels, int bitsPerSample) { mSampleRate = sampleRateInHz; mBitsPerSample = (short) bitsPerSample; mNumChannel = (short) channels; mByteRate = mSampleRate * mNumChannel * mBitsPerSample / 8; mBlockAlign = (short) (mNumChannel * mBitsPerSample / 8);
  • 使用 InputStream 将 Wav 文件转成流
  • public class WavFileReader { private static final String TAG = WavFileReader.class.getSimpleName(); private DataInputStream mDataInputStream; private WavFileHeader mWavFileHeader; public boolean openFile(String filepath) throws IOException { if (mDataInputStream != null) { closeFile(); mDataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filepath)); return readHeader(); public void closeFile() throws IOException { if (mDataInputStream != null) { mDataInputStream.close(); mDataInputStream = null; public WavFileHeader getmWavFileHeader() { return mWavFileHeader; public int readData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (mDataInputStream == null || mWavFileHeader == null) { return -1; try { int nbytes =, offset, count); if (nbytes == -1) { return 0; return nbytes; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return -1; private boolean readHeader() { if (mDataInputStream == null) { return false; WavFileHeader header = new WavFileHeader(); byte[] intValue = new byte[4]; byte[] shortValue = new byte[2]; try { header.mChunkID = "" + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte(); Log.d(TAG, "Read file chunkID:" + header.mChunkID);; header.mChunkSize = byteArrayToInt(intValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read file chunkSize:" + header.mChunkSize); header.mFormat = "" + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte(); Log.d(TAG, "Read file format:" + header.mFormat); header.mSubChunk1ID = "" + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte(); Log.d(TAG, "Read fmt chunkID:" + header.mSubChunk1ID);; header.mSubChunk1Size = byteArrayToInt(intValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read fmt chunkSize:" + header.mSubChunk1Size);; header.mAudioFormat = byteArrayToShort(shortValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read audioFormat:" + header.mAudioFormat);; header.mNumChannel = byteArrayToShort(shortValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read channel number:" + header.mNumChannel);; header.mSampleRate = byteArrayToInt(intValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read samplerate:" + header.mSampleRate);; header.mByteRate = byteArrayToInt(intValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read byterate:" + header.mByteRate);; header.mBlockAlign = byteArrayToShort(shortValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read blockalign:" + header.mBlockAlign);; header.mBitsPerSample = byteArrayToShort(shortValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read bitspersample:" + header.mBitsPerSample); header.mSubChunk2ID = "" + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte() + (char) mDataInputStream.readByte(); Log.d(TAG, "Read data chunkID:" + header.mSubChunk2ID);; header.mSubChunk2Size = byteArrayToInt(intValue); Log.d(TAG, "Read data chunkSize:" + header.mSubChunk2Size); Log.d(TAG, "Read wav file success !"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; mWavFileHeader = header; return true; private static short byteArrayToShort(byte[] b) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(b).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getShort(); private static int byteArrayToInt(byte[] b) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(b).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt(); public class AudioPlayer { private static final String TAG = "AudioPlayer"; private static final int DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC; private static final int DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100; private static final int DEFAULT_CHANNEL_CONFIG = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO; private static final int DEFAULT_AUDIO_FORMAT = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; private static final int DEFAULT_PLAY_MODE = AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM; private volatile boolean mIsPlayStarted = false; private AudioTrack mAudioTrack; public boolean startPlayer() { return startPlayer(DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE, DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE, DEFAULT_CHANNEL_CONFIG, DEFAULT_AUDIO_FORMAT); public boolean startPlayer(int streamType, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat) { if (mIsPlayStarted) { Log.e(TAG, "Player already started !"); return false; int bufferSizeInBytes = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat); if (bufferSizeInBytes == AudioTrack.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid parameter !"); return false; Log.i(TAG, "getMinBufferSize = " + bufferSizeInBytes + " bytes !"); mAudioTrack = new AudioTrack(streamType, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat, bufferSizeInBytes, DEFAULT_PLAY_MODE); if (mAudioTrack.getState() == AudioTrack.STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { Log.e(TAG, "AudioTrack initialize fail !"); return false; mIsPlayStarted = true; Log.i(TAG, "Start audio player success !"); return true; public void stopPlayer() { if (!mIsPlayStarted) { return; if (mAudioTrack.getPlayState() == AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING) { mAudioTrack.stop(); mAudioTrack.release(); mIsPlayStarted = false; Log.i(TAG, "Stop audio player success !"); public boolean play(byte[] audioData, int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes) { if (!mIsPlayStarted) { Log.e(TAG, "Player not started !"); return false; if (mAudioTrack.write(audioData, offsetInBytes, sizeInBytes) != sizeInBytes) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not write all the samples to the audio device !");; Log.d(TAG, "OK, Played " + sizeInBytes + " bytes !"); return true;
  • 开启播放线程
  •     private Runnable pcmRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                byte[] buffer = new byte[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * 2];
                while (wavFileReader.readData(buffer, 0, buffer.length) > 0) {
          , 0, buffer.length);
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

    最终实现了 Wav 的播放,但是听起来怪怪的,不知道是读取的哪个参数不正确


    Android 音频PCM数据的采集和播放,读写音频wav文件 音视频开发 Android
