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ERROR: Cannot create container for service **: Conflict. The container name** is already in use by c

最新推荐文章于 2023-03-28 16:56:39 发布
最新推荐文章于 2023-03-28 16:56:39 发布 阅读量1.2k

ERROR: for peer0.org1.example.com Cannot create container for service peer0.org1.example.com: Conflict. The container name “/peer0.org1.example.com” is already in use by container “11cc554946eb4c7463716de30471
4786fe0c3d1187d0d5e7708a6a12267908d1”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

2.删除docker 容器

docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
                    ERROR: Cannot create container for service **: Conflict. The container name** is already in use by c
                    ERROR: Cannot create container for service **: Conflict. The container name** is already in use by c
原由:zabbix界面上提示几台机器连接不通,于是登录这几台服务器,然后ping Zabbix Server这台主机,发现都能ping通,但是Zabbix的界面却显示连接不通就很奇怪 1.根据zabbix界面上的提示,可能是zabbix-agent服务没有起来,果然,systemctl status zabbix-agent.service服务没起来 2.重新启动systemctl start zabbix-agent.service,发现启动失败。 3.查看zabbix-agent的日志,zabbix-a
服务器重启之后,zabbix-agent服务无法启动 安装的时候因为添加过开机自启的,但是这次服务器重启之后,zabbix-agent端没有自动启动,然后我手动启动zabbix-agent 20180627_15:31:07[root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart zabbix-agent #重启Zabbix-agent服务。 [root@localhost...
windows安装zabbix-agent5.0 进入zabbix官网:zabbix官网下载界面 选择以zip下载,安装zabbix-agent有两种方式,一种是以exe形式,一种以命令方式,这里是选择命令方式; 在C盘或者D盘下新建一个文件夹,“zabbix-agent”(自己起个名字) 然后将下载的zip文件解压到该文件夹里, 打开conf配置文件,修改zabbix_agentd.conf文件 老样子:还是Server,ServerActive,Hostname修改为zabbix-server的ip
ERROR: for cli Cannot create container for service cli: Conflict. The container name "/cli" is already in use by container "50c55d...
搭建Docker私有仓库1. 官方仓库2. Harbor 搭建3. Harbor界面操作4. Harbor启动出错 参考链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/huanchupkblog/p/10843800.html 1. 官方仓库 # 拉取仓库镜像 docker pull registry # 启动 挂载到指定目录 端口为5000 docker run -d -v /home/jack/docker/registry:/var/lib/registry -p 5000:5000 -
1、journalctl -xe打印Job for zabbix-agent.service failed because a configured resource limit was exceeded... 2、journalctl -xe打印PID...not runnable... 解决方法: 检查/run目录下有没有名为zabbix的文件夹,如果没有,则新建一个 # mkdir zabbix 然后启动zabbix # systemctl startzabbix-agent # s..
PS D:\Docker\docker-yapi\mongo> cd .. PS D:\Docker\docker-yapi> docker-compose up Creating docker-yapi_mongo_1 ... error ER...
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/apollo-configservice" is already in use by container
MYSQL 安装时遇到这个问题 The configuration for MySQL Server 8.0.22 has failed. You can find more information 16588 spring boot 项目中redis 序列化异常:org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationException MYSQL 安装时遇到这个问题 The configuration for MySQL Server 8.0.22 has failed. You can find more information bite cat: 大赞,这个清洗直白没废话,其他的试了很多遍没啥用还浪费时间 MYSQL 安装时遇到这个问题 The configuration for MySQL Server 8.0.22 has failed. You can find more information ♛Smile♛: 直接试了第二种,完美解决 【已解决】Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘appstream‘: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist 色空大师: 依次操作,问题解决 实验1 线性回归 实操项目1——糖尿病情预测 Tiangua_: 实验1 线性回归 实操项目1——糖尿病情预测 SZ2055230196: 博主用的是sklearn里面的数据集