I'm looking for a way in c# to convert base64 png to base64 jpg.
I'm extracting the data from the data-base and my api needs to return the base64 in jpg format without saving the file during the conversion.
What I have tried:
I've trued to return the thumbnail of the original image but the image is not returning good when saving it (for testing).
Convert base64 png image to base64 jpg image without saving

- Get base64 stream
- Convert back to normal png format
- Convert to jpg
- Convert to base64
I've trued to return the thumbnail of the original image but the image is not returning good when saving it (for testing).

And we are supposed to know what is wrong ? Byte[] pngBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); using (MemoryStream msPng = new MemoryStream(pngBytes)) using (Image img = Image.FromStream(msPng)) using (MemoryStream msJpeg = new MemoryStream()) img.Save(msJpeg, ImageFormat.Jpeg); jpgArray = msJpeg.ToArray(); return (jpgArray); Read the Base64 data into an Image class instance viaq a stream
Save the Image as a JPG into a Stream, and convert that to Base64.
private string FromBase64PNGToBase64JPG( string base64PNG) byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64PNG); using (MemoryStream msIn = new MemoryStream(bytes)) using (Image pic = Image.FromStream(msIn)) using (MemoryStream msOut = new MemoryStream()) pic.Save(msOut, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); return Convert.ToBase64String(msOut.ToArray());
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