I have tried to test the routing messages from temp sensor module to a custom CModule following the tutorial "Develop a C IoT Edge module using Linux containers"
.My environment is Raspberry PI 4B arm32v7 .Trying to achieve a flow as -Sensor module -> Cmodule ->to upstream(to view in explorer).My goal is building a heartbeat and filter/analytics module for a set of sensors connected to my edge device.verified modules are up and running and can see custom logs from loop inside iothub_module() after InitializeConnection() of my module.By that I believe there is no runtime error .my routes are as
edgesolutionToIoTHub FROM /messages/modules/SampleModule/outputs/* INTO $upstream
SimulatedTemperatureSensorToedgesolution FROM /messages/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/outputs/temperatureOutput INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/SampleModule/inputs/input1")
I would like to request for a support with a correct approach to achieve routing.
Yes, the JSON in the deployment manifest (on the review page) shows these escape characters.
in the routing, you are sending messages to a module named 'SampleModule':
It seems you actually named that module 'edgesolution'.
Additionally, if your modules keep running without errors (see the module log for confirmation) this routing is the actual problem. Check it twice :-)
@Sander van de Velde
I have noticed it the name difference later and corrected it and following is my routes now.
"$edgeHub": {
"properties.desired": {
"routes": {
"edgesolutionToIoTHub": "FROM /messages/modules/edgesolution/outputs/INTO $upstream",
"SimulatedTemperatureSensorToedgesolution": "FROM /messages/modules/SimulatedTemperatureSensor/outputs/temperatureOutput INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\\"/modules/edgesolution/inputs/input1\\")"
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"storeAndForwardConfiguration": {
"timeToLiveSecs": 7200
Ican see error logs from module on runtime as below. Connectivity is fine.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:22 2021 File:/build/azure-iot-sdk-c-PMWlQ1/azure-iot-sdk-c- Func:SendMqttConnectMsg Line:2521 failure connecting to address raspberrypi.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:wait_for_connection Line:431 Failure: connect failure 111.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:socketio_open Line:833 wait_for_connection failed
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-umqtt-c-wme5KW/azure-umqtt-c- Func:onOpenComplete Line:454 Error: failure opening connection to endpoint
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:on_underlying_io_open_complete Line:839 Invalid tlsio_state. Expected state is TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:tlsio_openssl_open Line:1426 Failed opening the underlying I/O.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 06:33:24 2021 File:/build/azure-umqtt-c-wme5KW/azure-umqtt-c- Func:mqtt_client_connect Line:1093 Error: io_open failed
It's not clear to me what the source of these error messages are.
I see these strange THREE escape characters of the " :
In the deployment manifest, this should look like:
(just one \ per ")
If you enter/update these routes in the Azure portal wizard, please leave out the escape characters.
Please test the routing part from the actual module logic. You can use eg.
to echo the generated messages. If this works, you can focus on your module logic.
@Sander van de Velde
Its started working with following routes.
sensorToedgesolution : FROM /messages/modules/sensor/outputs/* INTO BrokeredEndpoint("/modules/edgesolution/inputs/input1")
edgesolutionToIoTHub :FROM /messages/modules/edgesolution/outputs/* INTO $upstream
Still I have this at the beginning .
ort_mqtt_common.c Func:SendMqttConnectMsg Line:2521 failure connecting to address raspberrypi.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:wait_for_connection Line:431 Failure: connect failure 111.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:socketio_open Line:833 wait_for_connection failed
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-umqtt-c-wme5KW/azure-umqtt-c- Func:onOpenComplete Line:454 Error: failure opening connection to endpoint
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:on_underlying_io_open_complete Line:839 Invalid tlsio_state. Expected state is TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-c-shared-util-GUqJKr/azure-c-shared-util- Func:tlsio_openssl_open Line:1426 Failed opening the underlying I/O.
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-umqtt-c-wme5KW/azure-umqtt-c- Func:mqtt_client_connect Line:1093 Error: io_open failed
Error: Time:Mon Jun 28 15:19:15 2021 File:/build/azure-iot-sdk-c-PMWlQ1/azure-iot-sdk-c- Func:SendMqttConnectMsg Line:2521 failure connecting to address raspberrypi.
Please help me to understand why is this,Is this an expected behaviour?What can I do to avoid this?