• Genes and Human Disease Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 825 N.E. 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73104-5005, USA.
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
  • Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA.
  • Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA.
  • Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA.
  • Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30322, USA.
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 35294-1241, USA.
  • Foundational Medical Studies, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester, MI, 48309-4482, USA.
  • 第十六届中南计算生物学和生物信息学学会(MCBIOS XVI)会议于2019年3月28日至30日在阿拉巴马州伯明翰大学(UAB)会议中心的希尔顿伯明翰举行。会议的主题是精密医学信息学。联合主席和会议主持人是Drs。来自阿拉巴马州伯明翰大学的Jake Y. Chen和Matthew Might。

    该计划的共同主席是食品和药物管理局(NCTR / FDA)国家毒理学研究中心的Weida Tong博士和阿拉巴马州伯明翰大学的Purushotham Bangalore博士。该计划(详见下文)包括两个教程研讨会,七个不同科学领域的13个分组口头演讲,两个海报会议,四个主题演讲者,一个圆桌讨论会,一个专家小组会议和两个职业发展会议。研讨会的协调员是UAB的Andy Crouse博士和阿肯色大学小石城分校的Mary Yang博士。学生拓展(职业发展)协调员是达拉斯大学的Inimary Toby博士,哈德森阿尔法大学的Brittany N. Lasseigne博士和阿肯色大学的学生代表Ujwani Nukala。

    共有168人报名参加了会议,其中包括82名专业人员,19名博士后研究员和67名学生。在157份提交的摘要中,选择75份进行口头陈述,选择41份进行海报陈述。海报发布协调员是UAB的Da Yan博士,颁奖委员会的主席是密西西比州立大学的Bindu Nanduri博士。

    在商务午餐会上选举了执行官和新的董事会成员。该MCBIOS新总统,今年是从NCTR / FDA和当选总统伟达Tong博士被选为杰克Y. Chen博士从UAB。此外,还选举了两名新的董事会成员:NCTR / FDA的Steven Foley和Emory University的Zhaohui“ Steve” Qin。

    来自阿肯色大学医学院的Cesar Compadre博士担任会议的财务主管和财务协调员。以下赞助商为MCBIOS XVI提供了财务支持。白金级赞助商包括MCBIOS和UAB信息学会。金牌赞助商包括UAB的O'Neal综合癌症中心,UAB的临床和转化科学中心,UAB休·考尔精密医学研究所,UAB医学院和BBVA Compass。银牌赞助商包括阿肯色州IDeA生物医学研究卓越网络和美国食品与药物管理局。


    第一节: “脑基因组学”,马克·格斯坦博士,阿尔伯特·L·威廉姆斯教授,生物医学信息学教授,分子生物物理学与生物化学教授和计算机科学教授,耶鲁大学计算生物学与生物信息学耶鲁计划联合主任,康涅狄格州纽黑文。

    第2节: “针对未充分研究的人群的基因组医学:哥伦比亚的经验教训”,佐治亚州佐治亚理工学院生物学院生物信息学研究生课程主任,生物学副教授,约旦国王金博士。

    第3节: “救援的半监督学习:对编码变异效应的深入理解”,Predrag Radivojac博士,东北大学霍利计算机科学学院计算机科学教授,伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿。

    第四节: “基因组医学的临床应用:最新技术”,范德比尔特大学Josh F. Peterson医学博士,MPH,FACMI,应用临床信息学硕士课程主任,生物医学信息学副教授,医学副教授田纳西州纳什维尔医疗中心。


    教程1: “单细胞基因组数据”,讲师:UAB信息学研究所的高敏博士;联合讲师:刘善润博士,UAB CFCC单细胞核心,陈杰克博士,UAB信息学博士,克里斯托弗·富西尔,硕士,UAB信息学硕士。

    教程2: “代谢组学数据分析”,讲师:Stephen Barnes博士,阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(UAB)药理学和毒理学教授。


    第1节: “将组学数据与临床信息相结合”,分会场主席:Chindo Hicks博士,路易斯安那州立大学医学院,新奥尔良;专题演讲:“精密医学”,美国马萨诸塞州伯明翰市UAB医学院休·考尔精密医学研究所Matthew Might博士。

    第2节: “现实环境中的Omics数据”,分会场主持人:王东,NCTR / FDA高级统计学家,加利福利亚州杰斐逊市;专题演讲:“用于分析大规模临床和分子数据的层次模型”,Nengjun Yi博士,UAB,阿拉巴马州伯明翰。

    会场 3: “精密医学时代的硅药物发现”,分会场主席:刘志超博士,美国南卡罗来纳州杰斐逊市NCTR / FDA博士;共同主持人:阿拉斯加大学李婷 专题演讲:“ Amazon Cloud上具有丰富药物标签信息的FDALabel数据库,以促进精密医学的应用”,NCTR / FDA的Hong Fang博士,美国杰斐逊。

    第4节: “计算机辅助药物的发现与开发”,分会场主席:普渡大学(普渡大学),印第安那州西拉法叶市;专题演讲:“通过深度学习对蛋白质中的配体结合口袋进行分类”,密歇根州立大学路易斯安那州立大学生物科学副教授Michal Brylinski博士。

    第5节: “蛋白质结构生物信息学”,会议主席:Debswapna Bhattacharya博士,美国奥本大学奥本大学计算机科学与软件工程系;专题演讲:“用于中低分辨率冷冻电子显微镜密度图的计算蛋白质结构建模”,普渡大学生物科学与计算机科学系Daihara Keihara博士,印第安纳州西拉斐特。

    第6节: “精准医学中的新信息学方法”,会议主席:埃默里大学生物统计学和生物信息学系的史蒂夫·秦博士;专题演讲:“ UALCAN:用于基于分子亚型的表达分析的集成数据挖掘工具”,Sooryanarayana Varambally博士,阿拉巴马州伯明翰市UAB病理学系。

    第7节: “公共卫生的微生物基因组分析”,会议主席:NCTR / FDA,美国杰斐逊,微生物学部Steven Foley博士;专题演讲:“微生物组测序在食品加工环境中的应用”,阿肯色大学食品安全中心,史蒂芬·里克(Steven Ricke)博士,阿肯色州费耶特维尔。

    会议8: “基因表达数据分析的挑战和解决方案”,会议主席:韦维安·庄(Wei Vivian Zhuang)博士,美国南卡罗来纳州杰弗逊市NCTR / FDA生物信息学和生物统计学系 特色演讲:“分析前和分析变量对转录水平的影响”,路易斯·卡马乔(LuísaCamacho)博士,NCTR / FDA,生化毒理学部,AR,杰斐逊。

    第9节: “生物医学信息学”,会议主席:NCTR / FDA的Wen Zou博士,AR。专题演讲:“生物医学信息学:使用数据改善人类健康”,阿肯色州医学大学,医学博士,医学博士Ahmad Baghal,AR。

    第10节: “异构生物医学信息可视化”,会议主席:印第安纳大学普渡大学印第安那分校印第安那分校吴焕美。会议共同主席:阿拉伯联合酋长国阿拉巴马州UAB的宗宗亮。演讲嘉宾:“异构生物医学信息可视化”,印第安纳州印第安纳大学/普渡大学的吴焕美博士。

    第11节: “生物医学中的机器学习”,会议主席:UAB信息学研究所Thanh Nguyen,阿拉巴马州伯明翰。演讲嘉宾:“通过规则学习解释系统级癌症机制”,德克萨斯大学农工大学电气与计算机工程系邓素萍博士,得克萨斯州大学城。

    第12节: “计算生物学”,会议主席:阿拉巴马州伯明翰市UAB的Stephen Barnes博士。演讲嘉宾:“新一代单细胞质谱分析工具能够对活胚中的代谢物进行痕量分析”,马里兰大学学院公园分校的马里兰大学Erika Portero博士。

    第13节: “药物发现和开发的新兴计算方法”,会议主席:NCTR / FDA的安妮·卢曼博士,阿肯色州杰斐逊。学生联合主持人:阿肯色大学小石城分校阿肯色大学研究生Kristin McEuen Ashby;演讲嘉宾:“通过建模和实验方法揭示了拉米西尔(特比萘芬)生物激活途径”,阿肯色大学医学科学博士,格罗弗·米勒,格鲁吉亚。


    MCBIOS杰出青年科学家奖计划旨在表彰在生物信息学领域表现出卓越科学成就的学生和博士后。学生和博士后研究员都经过严格的奖励申请程序,并挑选出前五名候选人在专门针对该奖励计划的会议上进行口头陈述。这是“ MCBIOS年轻科学家卓越奖”计划的第三年。

    为了竞争,学生和博士后研究员提交了摘要以及对创新及其对研究的具体贡献的描述。首先对提交的内容进行评估,然后由MCBIOS董事会成员和外部法官对提交的文章进行排名,他们对应用程序的研究质量和影响进行了评估。会议的第二天,在博士后和学生类别中选出了前5名候选人,并邀请他们在特别会议上进行口头报告。当时,独立法官对每个演讲进行了评估,以评估其质量,专业性,创造力,奉献精神和多学科贡献。评审过程的每个阶段的法官都应确保不存在利益冲突(个人,机构等)。第一个获得金钱奖励,学生和博士后类别的第二和第三名分别是$ 200,$ 150和$ 100。除了金钱奖励外,所有青年科学家卓越奖获奖者均获得了正式的MCBIOS证书。


    俄克拉荷马城俄克拉荷马州医学研究基金会猎人波特(Hunter Porter)获得了 第一名 ,“表观遗传时钟背后的生物学”。

    第二名 ,Sutanu Bhattacharya,奥本大学,阿拉巴马州奥本。“包含残基-残基联系信息是否可以促进蛋白质穿线?”

    第三名 ,AyoOluwa Aderibigbe,密西西比,牛津,MS大学。“化学信息学和分子对接在外围限制性CB1拮抗剂设计中的应用”。


    第一名 ,郭文静博士,美国南卡罗来纳州杰斐逊市NCTR / FDA博士。“开发促进食品和动物饲料中持久性有机污染物检测质量控制的软件”。

    第二名 ,Tanmay Bera,博士学位,NCTR / FDA,杰斐逊,AR。“改进的成像可能有助于在识别食物污染的甲虫时达到更高的物种水平准确性”。

    第三名 ,潘伯虎(Bohu Pan),美国加州大学杰斐逊分校(NCTR / FDA)博士。“从全基因组测序(WGS)数据中检测到的种系变异的技术可重复性评估”。


    在会议的前两天(3月28日和29日),下午4点至下午5点举行了海报发布会。学生和博士后演示者在海报发布会上介绍了他们的工作,并由参加会议的MCBIOS专业成员小组对演示质量进行了评判。冠军奖金为$ 200,第二名奖金为$ 150,第三名奖金为$ 100。


    第一名 ,安德森·巴特勒(Anderson Butler),阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校。“背景恐惧记忆的形成受海马lncRNA介导的组蛋白甲基化变化的调节。”

    第二名 ,Chase Brown,俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马大学健康与科学中心大学。“用于协同药物再利用的协同作用的生物信息学检测。”

    第三名 ,梅根·布雷特巴赫(Megan Breitbach),哈德逊·阿尔法生物技术研究所和阿拉巴马大学位于阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔。“ SLE患者B细胞谱系的表观遗传缺陷表现出特定群体的模式。”


    第一名 ,维克拉姆·皮莱(Vikram Pillai)博士,阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校。“氢交换质谱揭示了人类ADAMTS13远端和近端域之间的变构相互作用。”

    第二名 ,Karen Galarneau,医学博士,医学博士,密西西比州立大学,博士,医学博士。“转录组分析或了解宿主对口蹄疫病毒的反应。”

    第三名 ,李东英博士,美国俄勒冈州杰斐逊市NCTR / FDA ORISE研究员。“非编码RNA和mRNA相互作用的特征,用于药物代谢和肝毒性的基因调控。”

    MCBIOS XVI会议录包含在MCBIOS 2019上呈献的作品,以摘要形式或口头形式展示。共提交论文19篇,被录用6篇(录取率32%)。所有论文均至少由两名审稿人进行匿名同行评审。论文摘要如下:

    Zheng Wang等人,“ MASS:使用随机森林和新设计的统计潜力进行蛋白质单模型全球质量评估”。本文提出了一种名为MASS的单模型方法,用于预测单个蛋白质模型的整体质量。作者设计并重新实现了十种蛋白质电位,并证明这些蛋白质电位彼此之间存在显着差异。使用来自十个电位的值以及其他六种类型的特征,训练了一个随机森林来预测各个模型的整体质量得分。对MASS以及CASP11,CASP12和CASP13中的其他质量评估方法进行了评估,发现结果是MASS优于CASP11中的大多数方法,并且可与CASP12和CASP13中的领先方法相媲美。

    Hafez Eslami Manoochehri等人,“使用半二分图模型和深度学习的药物-靶标相互作用预测”。本文提出了一种新的药物-靶标相互作用预测框架,该框架从药物-靶标相互作用网络中学习潜在特征。该问题被建模为半二分图,其中还集成了药物-药物和蛋白质-蛋白质相似性。对于每个药物靶标对,提取一个封闭的子图以捕获周围的环境。然后,使用图标记方法对每个封闭子图进行顶点排序,以进行基于邻接矩阵的编码。然后将嵌入向量用于训练深度神经网络,以预测药物-靶标相互作用。实验表明,所提出的模型可以确定每个药物-靶对的相互作用可能性,并且优于其他启发式方法。

    Mahmut Karakaya等人,基于深度学习的基于智能手机的视网膜成像系统用于糖尿病性视网膜病变检测的比较。作者研究了市场上基于智能手机的便携式视网膜成像系统,并使用深度学习框架比较了它们的图像质量以及自动DR检测和自动DR检测的准确性。作者观察到,随着基于智能手机的视网膜系统的视野变小,其中iNview最大,而iExaminer最小,网络DR检测性能会下降。基于智能手机的视网膜成像系统可以用作直接检眼镜的替代品。

    King Jordan等人,《祖先对西班牙裔/拉丁美洲裔人群2型糖尿病遗传风险的推断》。作者调查了祖先如何使用PRS在哥伦比亚和美国(美国)的不同HL人群中影响T2D遗传风险的推断。在哥伦比亚,作者比较了安蒂奥基亚(Antioquia)的Mestizo人群和乔科(Chocó)的非洲裔哥伦比亚人群的T2D遗传风险,在美国,他们比较了欧洲裔美国人和墨西哥裔美国人。实验表明,这些HL人群的T2D遗传风险与非洲和美国原住民血统呈正相关,与欧洲血统负相关。推断出的T2D相对危险性对用于变体发现的同类人群的祖先差异具有鲁棒性。亚当·塔拉什(Adam Thrash)等,


    Bai Yongsheng Bai等人,“ MMiRNA-Viewer 2 ,一种用于可视化网络中MiRNA和MRNA对的功能注释的生物信息学工具”。本文介绍了一种创新的生物信息学工具MMiRNA-Viewer 2 ,用于利用网络中肿瘤和正常样品中miRNA和mRNA表达谱的下一代测序数据可视化网络中miRNA和mRNA对之间的功能关系。该工具填补了现有工具无法表征和可视化癌症风险基因和miRNA对的功能后果的空白,同时可以分析肿瘤和正常样品。该工具利用mRNA和miRNA相互作用对来显示mRNA和miRNA基因注释信息,信号级联途径以及miRNA和mRNA之间的直接癌症关联。可以从工具Web服务器直接检索功能注释和基因调控信息,这可以帮助用户快速识别重要的相互作用子网并报告可能的疾病或癌症关联。

    第17届MCBIOS年度会议将于2021年4月26日至28日由位于北卡罗来纳州卡里的SAS研究所主办。来自NCTR / FDA的Weida Tong和Steven Foley,以及来自德克萨斯州达拉斯大学的Inimary Toby博士。







    1. 美国俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马市东北13街825号,俄克拉荷马州医学研究基金会基因与人类疾病研究计划,美国73104-5005


    2. 美国俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心生物化学与分子生物学系


    3. 美国俄克拉何马城俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心斯蒂芬森癌症中心


    4. 美国俄克拉何马城俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心老年医学系


    5. 密歇根大学医学院内科,密西根州安娜堡,美国48109


    6. 美国乔治亚州亚特兰大,埃默里大学,罗林斯公共卫生学院,生物统计学和生物信息学系,美国30322


    7. 美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校计算机科学系,美国伯明翰,35294-1241


    8. 奥克兰大学威廉博蒙特医学院基础医学研究,密歇根州罗彻斯特,美国48309-4482


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    对应于乔纳森·雷恩(Jonathan D. Wren)。





    Wren,JD,Bai,Y.,Qin,ZS 等。 2019年中南部计算生物学与生物信息学会(MCBIOS)会议论文集。 BMC生物信息学 21, 254(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03580-9


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    • DOI https //doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03580-9


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    • 国际标准委员会

    The 16th Annual MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS XVI) conference was held in Hilton Birmingham at University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) conference center on March 28–30, 2019. The theme of the conference was Informatics for Precision Medicine. The co-chairs and conference hosts were Drs. Jake Y. Chen and Matthew Might from the University of Alabama Birmingham.

    The program co-chairs were Dr. Weida Tong from the National Center for Toxicological Research at the Food and Drug Administration (NCTR/FDA) and Dr. Purushotham Bangalore from the University of Alabama Birmingham. The program (detailed below) included two tutorial workshops, 13 breakout oral presentations in seven different scientific tracks, two poster sessions, four keynote speakers, one roundtable discussion, one expert panel session, and two career development sessions. The workshop coordinators were Dr. Andy Crouse from UAB and Dr. Mary Yang from University of Arkansas Little Rock. The student outreach (career development) coordinators were Dr. Inimary Toby from University of Dallas, Dr. Brittany N. Lasseigne from HudsonAlpha, and student representative Ujwani Nukala from University of Arkansas.

    A total of 168 people registered for the conference, including 82 professionals, 19 postdoctoral fellows, and 67 students. Among the 157 submitted abstracts, 75 were selected for oral presentations and 41 were selected for poster presentations. The poster session coordinator was Dr. Da Yan from UAB and the chair of the awards committee was Dr. Bindu Nanduri from Mississippi State University.

    Executive officers and the new members of the Board of Directors were elected during a business luncheon. The MCBIOS new president this year was Dr. Weida Tong from NCTR/FDA and the President-Elect was chosen as Dr. Jake Y. Chen from UAB. In addition, two new Board members were elected: Drs. Steven Foley from NCTR/FDA and Zhaohui “Steve” Qin from Emory University.

    Dr. Cesar Compadre, from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences served as the Treasurer and finance coordinator for the conference. The following sponsors provided financial support for MCBIOS XVI. Platinum level sponsors included MCBIOS and the UAB Informatics Institute. Gold level sponsors included the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB, UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science, UAB Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute, UAB School of Medicine, and BBVA Compass. Silver level sponsors included Arkansas IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

    Keynote speakers

    Session 1: “Brain Genomics”, Mark Gerstein, Ph.D., Albert L Williams Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Professor of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry and of Computer Science, Co-Director of the Yale Program in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

    Session 2: “Genomic medicine for understudied populations: lessons from Colombia”, King Jordan, Ph.D., Director of Bioinformatics Graduate Program, Associate Professor of Biology, School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

    Session 3: “Semi-Supervised Learning to the Rescue: Towards Deep Understanding of Coding Variant Effects,” Predrag Radivojac, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Sciences, Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Evanston, IL.

    Session 4: “Clinical Applications of Genomic Medicine: The State of the Art,” Josh F. Peterson, M.D., MPH, FACMI, Program Director, Masters of Applied Clinical Informatics, Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Associate Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.


    Tutorial 1: “Single-Cell genomic data”, Instructor: Min Gao, Ph.D., Informatics Institute, UAB; Co-Instructors: Shanrun Liu, Ph.D., CFCC single cell core, UAB, Jake Y. Chen, Ph.D., Informatics Institute, UAB, Christopher Fucile, MS, Informatics Institute, UAB.

    Tutorial 2: “Metabolomics Data Analysis”, Instructor: Stephen Barnes, Ph.D., Professor Pharmacology & Toxicology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

    Breakout sessions – oral presentations

    Session 1: “Integration of Omics Data with Clinical Information,” Session Chair: Chindo Hicks, Ph.D., Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA; Featured Presentation: “Precision Medicine,” Matthew Might, Ph.D., Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute, UAB School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.

    Session 2: “Omics Data in Real-World Settings,” Session Chair: Dong Wang, Ph.D., Senior Statistician, NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR; Featured Presentation: “Hierarchical Models for Analyzing Large-Scale Clinical and Molecular Data,” Nengjun Yi, Ph.D., UAB, Birmingham, AL.

    Session 3: “In Silico Drug Discovery in the Era of Precision Medicine,” Session Chair: Zhichao Liu, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR; Co-moderator: Ting Li, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Featured Presentation: “FDALabel Database on Amazon Cloud with Rich Drug Labeling Information to Advance the Application of Precision Medicine,” Hong Fang, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR.

    Session 4: “Computer-Aided Drug Discovery and Development,” Session Chair: Daisuke Kihara, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Featured Presentation: “Classification of Ligand-Binding Pockets in Proteins with Deep Learning ,” Michal Brylinski, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA.

    Session 5: “Protein Structural Bioinformatics,” Session Chair: Debswapna Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Featured Presentation: “Computational Protein Structure Modeling for Medium to Low Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy Density Maps,” Daisuke Kihara, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences and Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

    Session 6: “New Informatics Methods in Precision Medicine,” Session Chair: Steve Qin, Ph.D., Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University; Featured Presentation: “UALCAN: An Integrated Data Mining Tool for Molecular Sub-Type Based Expression Analysis,” Sooryanarayana Varambally, Ph.D., Department of Pathology, UAB, Birmingham, AL.

    Session 7: “Microbial Genome Analyses for Public Health,” Session Chair: Steven Foley, Ph.D., Division of Microbiology, NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR; Featured Presentation: “Application of Microbiome Sequencing in Food Processing Environments,” Steven Ricke, Ph.D., Center for Food Safety, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.

    Session 8: “Challenges and Solutions for Analysis of Gene Expression Data,” Session Chair: Wei Vivian Zhuang, Ph.D., Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR; Featured Presentation: “Impact of Pre-Analytical and Analytical Variables in the Quantification of Transcript Levels,” Luísa Camacho, Ph.D., Division of Biochemical Toxicology, NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR.

    Session 9: “Biomedical Informatics,” Session Chair: Wen Zou, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. Featured Presentation: “Biomedical Informatics: Using Data to Improve Human Health,” Ahmad Baghal, MD, MS, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR.

    Session 10: “Heterogeneous Biomedical Information Visualization,” Session Chair: Huanmei Wu, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, IN. Session Co-Chair: Zongliang Yue, UAB, Birmingham, AL. Featured Speaker: “Heterogeneous Biomedical Information Visualization”, Huanmei Wu, Ph.D., Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN.

    Session 11: “Machine Learning in Biomedicine,” Session Chair: Thanh Nguyen, Informatics Institute, UAB, Birmingham, AL. Featured Speaker: “Interpreting System-Level Cancer Mechanisms Through Rule Learning,” Suping Deng, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

    Session 12: “Computational Biology,” Session Chair: Stephen Barnes, Ph.D., UAB, Birmingham, AL. Featured Speaker: “New-Generation Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry Tools Enable Trace-level Analysis of Metabolites in the Live Embryo,” Erika Portero, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

    Session 13: “Emerging Computational Approaches for Drug Discovery and Development,” Session Chair: Annie Lumen, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. Student Co-Moderator: Kristin McEuen Ashby, Graduate Student, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR.; Featured Speaker: “Lamisil (Terbinafine) Bioactivation Pathways Revealed Through Modeling and Experimental Approaches,” Grover P. Miller, Ph.D., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR.

    MCBIOS young scientist excellence award

    MCBIOS Young Scientist Excellence” awards program recognizes students and postdoctoral fellows that exhibit scientific excellence in the field of Bioinformatics. Student and postdoctoral fellows go through a rigorous award application process and the top five candidates are selected to give an oral presentation in a session dedicated to this award program. This was the 3rd year for the “MCBIOS Young Scientist Excellence Award” program.

    To compete, students and postdoctoral fellows submitted an abstract and a description of the innovation and their specific contribution to the research. Submissions were first evaluated and ranked by the MCBIOS board members and external judges who evaluated the application for the quality and impact of the research. The top 5 candidates were selected for the postdoctoral and student categories and were invited for an oral presentation in a special session during the second day of the conference. At that time, independent judges evaluated each talk to assess the quality, professionalism, creativity, dedication and multidisciplinary contribution. Judges at each stage of the award process, ensured that there was no conflict of interest (individual, institution etc). Monetary awards for the first, second and third place in student and post-doctoral categories were $200, $150 and $100 respectively. In addition to the monetary award, all the award winners for Young Scientist Excellence Award Winners were presented with an official MCBIOS certificate.

    Student winners

    First Place , Hunter Porter, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK “The Biology Behind the Epigenetic Clock.”

    Second Place , Sutanu Bhattacharya, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. “Does Inclusion of Residue-Residue Contact Information Boost Protein Threading?”

    Third Place , AyoOluwa Aderibigbe, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. “Use of chemoinformatics and molecular docking in the design of peripherally-restricted CB1 antagonists”.

    Post-doctoral fellow winners

    First Place , Wenjing Guo, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. “Development of Software for Facilitating Quality Control of POPs Detection in Food and Animal Feeds”.

    Second Place , Tanmay Bera, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. “Improved imaging may help achieve better species level accuracy in identifying food contaminating beetles”.

    Third Place , Bohu Pan, Ph.D., NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. “Assessment of technical repeatability for germline variants detected from whole genome sequencing (WGS) data”.

    Poster presentation awards

    The poster session was held from 4 pm to 5 pm on the first 2 days (March 28 and 29) of the meeting. Student and post-doctoral presenters presented their work at the poster sessions and it was judged for presentation quality by a panel of MCBIOS professional members that attended the conference. Monetary awards of $200 was given for the First place, $150 for Second place and $100 for the Third place.

    Student winners

    First Place , Anderson Butler, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL. “Context fear memory formation is regulated by hippocampal lncRNA-mediated histone methylation changes.”

    Second Place , Chase Brown, University of Oklahoma Health and Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK. “Bioinformatic detection of synergy for synergistic drug repurposing.”

    Third Place , Megan Breitbach, Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology & The University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL. “Epigenetic Defects in the B-cell lineage of SLE Patients Display Population-Specific Patterns.”

    Postdoctoral fellow winners

    First Place , Vikram Pillai, Ph.D., The University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL. “Hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry reveals allosteric interactions between the distal and the proximal domains of human ADAMTS13.”

    Second Place , Karen Galarneau, DVM, M.S., Ph.D., Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. “Transcriptome analysis or understanding host responses to Foot and Mouth Disease Virus.”

    Third Place , Dongying Li, Ph.D., ORISE Fellow, NCTR/FDA, Jefferson, AR. “Characterization of Non-coding RNA and mRNA Interaction for Gene Regulation in Drug Metabolism and Hepatotoxicity.”

    The MCBIOS XVI Proceedings contains work presented at MCBIOS 2019, either as an abstract or oral presentation. A total of 19 papers were submitted and 6 were accepted (32% acceptance rate). All papers were anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. A summary of the papers is as follows:

    Zheng Wang et al., “MASS: Protein Single-model global quality assessment using random forest and newly-designed statistical potentials”. This paper presents a single-model method named MASS for predicting global quality of individual protein models. The authors designed and re-implemented ten protein potentials and proved that these protein potentials are significantly different from each other. Using the values from ten potentials along with six other types of features, a random forest is trained to predict the global quality scores of individual models. MASS was evaluated along with other quality assessment methods in CASP11, CASP12, and CASP13 and the finding is that MASS outperforms most of the methods in CASP11 and is comparable with the leading methods in CASP12 and CASP13.

    Hafez Eslami Manoochehri et al., “Drug-Target Interaction Prediction using semi-bipartite graph model and deep learning”. This paper proposes a new framework for drug-target interaction prediction that learns latent features from drug-target interaction network. The problem is modeled as a semi-bipartite graph in which drug-drug and protein-protein similarities are also integrated. For each drug-target pair, an enclosing subgraph is extracted to capture the surrounding environment. Then, a graph labeling method is used for vertex ordering on each enclosing subgraph for adjacency-matrix based encoding. The embedding vectors are then used to train a deep neural network to predict drug-target interactions. The experiments showed that the proposed model can determine interaction likelihood for each drug-target pair and outperform other heuristics.

    Mahmut Karakaya et al., Comparison of Smartphone-based Retinal Imaging Systems for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection using Deep Learning. The authors investigate the smartphone-based portable retinal imaging systems available on the market and compare their image quality and the automatic DR detection and the automatic DR detection accuracy using a deep learning framework. The authors observed that the network DR detection performance decreases as the field of view of the smartphone-based retinal systems get smaller where iNview is the largest and iExaminer is the smallest. The smartphone-based retina imaging systems can be used as an alternative to the direct ophthalmoscope.

    King Jordan et al., Ancestry effects on type 2 diabetes genetic risk inference in Hispanic/Latino populations. The authors investigated how ancestry affects the inference of T2D genetic risk using PRS in diverse HL populations from Colombia and the United States (US). In Colombia, the authors compared T2D genetic risk for the Mestizo population of Antioquia to the Afro-Colombian population of Chocó, and in the US, they compared European-American versus Mexican-American populations. The experiments showed that T2D genetic risk in these HL populations is positively correlated with African and Native American ancestry and negatively correlated with European ancestry. The inferred relative risk of T2D is robust to differences in the ancestry of the cohorts used for variant discovery. Adam Thrash et al., Toward a More Holistic Method of Genome Assembly Assessment.

    Assembly of full genome sequence is a key application of the high throughput sequencing technology. Traditionally, genome assemblies are assessed using statistics relating to contiguity of the assembly. In this paper, thrash et al. presents a review of problems that arise from relying solely on contiguity as a measure of genome assembly quality as well as current alternative methods. Alternative methods are compared on the basis of how informative they are about the biological quality of the assembly and how easy they are to use. A comprehensive method for using multiple metrics of measuring assembly quality is presented. Weaknesses and strengths of varying methods are presented and explained, with recommendations based on speed of analysis and user friendliness. The authors also offer a comprehensive method that incorporates multiple facets of quality assessment.

    Yongsheng Bai et al., “MMiRNA-Viewer 2 , a Bioinformatics Tool for Visualizing Functional Annotation for MiRNA and MRNA Pairs in a Network”. This paper presents an innovative bioinformatics tool, MMiRNA-Viewer 2 , for visualizing functional relationships between miRNA and mRNA pairs in a network utilizing the next generation sequencing data of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in tumor and normal samples. The tool fills the gap that existing tools can not characterize and visualize functional consequences of cancer risk gene and miRNA pairs while analyzing the tumor and normal samples simultaneously. The tool takes mRNA and miRNA interaction pairs to display the mRNA and miRNA gene annotation information, signaling cascade pathways and direct cancer association between miRNAs and mRNAs. Functional annotation and gene regulatory information can be directly retrieved from the tool web server, which can help users quickly identify significant interaction sub-network and report possible disease or cancer association. The tool is applicable across a range of diseases and cancers and has advantages over existing tools.

    The 17th Annual MCBIOS conference will be hosted by the SAS Institute in Cary, NC on April 26-28, 2021. The conference co-chairs are Drs. Weida Tong and Steven Foley from NCTR/FDA, and Dr. Inimary Toby from University of Dallas, TX.

    Not applicable.

    We thank the authors for presenting their work and the peer reviewers and editors for selecting the papers to include in the Proceedings. MCBIOS is a regional affiliate of the International Society for Computational Biology (http://www.ISCB.org). For information regarding MCBIOS and our future meetings, see http://www.MCBIOS.org.

    About this supplement

    This article has been published as part of BMC Bioinformatics Volume 21 Supplement 4, 2020: Proceedings of the 16th Annual MCBIOS Conference. The full contents of the supplement are available at https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/supplements/volume-21-supplement-4.

    Funding for the publication of this editorial was authorized by and obtained from the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society.


    1. Genes and Human Disease Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 825 N.E. 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73104-5005, USA

      Jonathan D. Wren

    2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

      Jonathan D. Wren

    3. Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA

      Jonathan D. Wren

    4. Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA

      Jonathan D. Wren

    5. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA

      Yongsheng Bai

    6. Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30322, USA

      Zhaohui S. Qin

    7. Department of Computer Science, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 35294-1241, USA

      Da Yan

    8. Foundational Medical Studies, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester, MI, 48309-4482, USA

      Ramin Homayouni

    1. Jonathan D. Wren View author publications

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    2. Yongsheng Bai View author publications

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    3. Zhaohui S. Qin View author publications

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    4. Da Yan View author publications

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    5. Ramin Homayouni View author publications

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    All authors of this paper served as editors for these proceedings, with JDW serving as Senior Editor. All authors helped write this editorial. All authors read and approved the final version.

    Corresponding author

    Correspondence to Jonathan D. Wren.

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    Not applicable.

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    The authors have no competing interests to declare.

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    Cite this article

    Wren, J.D., Bai, Y., Qin, Z.S. et al. Proceedings of the 2019 MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) Conference. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 254 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03580-9

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    • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03580-9


    • Bioinformatics
    • Conferences
    • MCBIOS
    • ISCB